


Prepare to vote in the November 8 California General Election

Public Statement

A historic, first-of-its-kind law in the State, the California Racial Justice Act prohibits the use of race, ethnicity, or national origin in sentencing and convictions

Public Statement
Voting by mail in California, Covid19, voting rights, caelections, elections, voting

Voting rights advocates call on the state legislature to mandate safe, accessible in-person voting locations and to appropriate funds necessary to make California’s November 2020 election a success

Elect Justice CA, cavotes, voting, california, elections, vote, voe ready, criminal justice, justice

Learn more about the local candidates who impact your criminal justice system with Elect Justice CA.

Donate and Help California Voters, cavotes, elections, California, caelections, voting, voter guides, nonpartisan

Now more than ever, Americans are hungry for factual, nonpartisan information that is free of propaganda. Because of our reputation for empowering voters with unbiased resources, we are increasingly being called upon to make sure elections are open and accessible to all Californians. Donate today to help us prepare for 2020!

easy voter guide great nonprofits

Take 2 minutes to review us for the GreatNonprofits Top-Rated Awards!

League of women voters of california, elections, voting, caelections, election2016

Learn about our successful collaboration with Voter's Edge California and California Public Radio Stations from Kristen Lepore

political parties, regsiter to vote, elections, california, non party preference

When you register to vote you can join a political party or choose No Party Preference

Public Statement
Recall Election, donate, League of Women Voters of California

As California faces a statewide recall election, it is time for us to mobilize once again to engage voters around the state to use their power and vote!.

Public Statement
votingmovesca, youth vote, voting, tik tok, snapchat, elections, California, civic passion

We Reached 2.5 Million Voters!


Here is information about the November Ballot Measures that goes deeper than our summary information. Look for More In Depth content at the end of each Ballot Measure Pro and Con. Not only do our League researchers rely on proposition analysis from the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO), but look further into the ballot issues by using other resources, including the Official Voter Information Guide, legislative hearings, policy experts, government officials, newspapers, and ballot measure campaigns.

Adriana Champagne Zamora, Trudy Schafer Fellowship, California, grassroots, advocacy

Adrianna will carry on Trudy’s legacy and the work of the League in fighting for a fair and just California.

High School Voter registration week

Engage with high school students to pre-register to vote

voter registration, jails, California, toolkit, let me vote, voting, elections, voter ed

Just released: Voting in California Jails, A Community Toolkit. This toolkit has several strategies for community advocates, county elections offices, and sheriffs to break down barriers to democracy for people in county jails

vote, voting, elections, primary, California, voting tips, voter's edge, GOTV

Today is Election Day! Get out and vote! View your ballot and find your polling place using Voter's Edge California.


1. Polls are open 7am until 8pm. If you are in line before 8 you get to vote!

2. Bring your notes and your kids into the polling place

3. Make a mistake on your ballot - ask for a new one!

Public Statement
Get out the vote, vote June 5, last minute voting tips, elections, california

Voter’s Edge Offers New Tools to Make Voting Easier

Public Statement
voting, voting rights, California, elections, covid19, cornavirus, League of Women Voters

We are working on a set of recommendations to achieve a successful presidential election in California.

Public Statement
guns and ammo

We support divestment from companies that deal in weapons illegal to sell or own in California. Learn more about our appeal to CalSTRS.

CALSenDebate16, Harris, Sanchez, CAlifornia, CAElections, Debate

We partnered with the Pat Brown Institute and KABC7 on the ONLY debate between the two California candidates for the U.S. Senate, Loretta Sanchez and Kamala Harris, held on Wednesday, October 5 from 7:00-8:00 pm. Panelists included former League President Janis R. Hirohama.

Read more about the event.

Public Statement
Voting Moderization Act, Bond, Elections, California, AB 668, voting, league of women voters of california, helen hutchison

The Voting Modernization Bond Act of 2018, seeks $450 million to improve California’s voting systems. The funding would update aging equipment and modernize how the state conducts elections to improve the voting experience.

Public Statement
Stephanie Doute LWVC ED

California nonprofit hires energetic leader to propel the organization into the next centennial.

redistricting deadlines extended in California

California is the first state to extend redistricting deadlines due to the Census Bureau delay.

Public Statement
Fred Rogers, look for the helpers

We know that League members and supporters are leaders in your communities and that you care deeply about the people in our state. You are helpers. We are helpers. We will continue to help empower voters and defend democracy, even in the face of adversity.

Yes on Prop 55 Image of facts

When discussing why we need to maintain the current income tax rates on the wealthiest, it’s important to talk about what is at stake.

voters edge, california, elections, local, ballot look up, voting CAelections, voter guides, los angeles

Do you live in any of these counties: Los Angeles, San Mateo, Alameda, Sonoma or Santa Clara? If you do, you have local elections this March, April, May or June!

Get your ballot from Voter's Edge California:

How will you vote about the issues impacting your community every day?

great nonprofits, grassroots, elections, voter guides, california, league of women voters, cavotes

Help us get a GreatNonprofits 2017 Top-Rated Award, write a review of your experience with us! This helps us met our fundraising goals and empower more voters and future voters across California!

How else can you help?

Public Statement
League Files Amicus against Trump Census Order

California immigrant populations are essential to our local economy, and they deserve to be included in the census count

Happy Birthday to the League of WOmen Voters, valentines day, grassroots, advocacy, california

Ready to roll up your sleeves and do the education and organizing work to safeguard democracy?  Or maybe looking for a way to stay up to date on the issues and take the occasional online action? Either way we welcome you! Membership is open to men and women, citizens and non-citizens of all ages.

Karen Jones, LWVC, Advocacy, fellowship, Trudy Schafer, grassroots, California

We are excited to invest in supporting a new era of advocates!

League of Women Voters of California Board

Find out more about our work!

Meet LWVC Interns Jade and Heidi, League of Women Voters, interns, California, Sac State

Learn more about our newest interns from California State University at Sacramento!

public policy, California, Trudy Schafer, LWVC

Congratulations to Andrew! You can support this Fellowship! The Schafer family has generously committed a $15,000 fund, where they will match all donations towards Trudy’s legacy.

Public Statement
League of women voters birthday, insurrection, equality, California, Stephanie Doute, family, tolerance, voting rights

Celebrating the League's 101st Birthday with love

rev up voter registration week differently abled

Use the toolkit and help register voters during this special week

National Voter registration day, vote ready, register to vote, California, cavotes

Educating citizens and uniting America through civic life.

Easy Voter Guides online, cavotes, elections, california, voter guide

Multilingual election info that's easy to read - Check our our beloved Easy Voter Guide

municipal, democracy, index, government, california, common cause, Irvine foundation, elections

California Common Cause has published it's Municipal Democracy Index, a survey of the governance, election, and campaign practices of ALL 482 cities in California with info like:

· What form of government do most cities use;
· Which offices are elected;
· What voting system do cities use, including the number of cities using at-large, by-district, and from-district elections; and
· Which cities have campaign contribution limits and which cities post campaign disclosures online.

California Local Redistricting Project

Our partners, Common Cause and McGeorge School of Law have put together an online resource for local governments interested in establishing local commissions: The site includes guidance on creating commissions, a database of every local redistricting ordinance passed in the state, research, and other resources. As part of the project, Common Cause has also committed to helping local organizations or jurisdictions interested in creating a commission with education, research, and drafting.

Legislation Committee League of Women Voters of California

Our Legislation Committee is hard at work advocating on key issues in California

Pros and cons on the ballot measures, propositions, cavotes, caelections, voting, League of Women Voters of California Education Fund

Get unbiased, well-researched info on the ballot measures so you can vote with confidence on June 5.

Press Mention
Prop 13 reform, school and communities first

Once thought of as a sacred cow, Proposition 13, the tax revolt measure passed in 1978, is now under attack. Schools and Communities First, a coalition of nearly 300 groups and leaders, has qualified an initiative for the Nov. 2020 ballot that would lift caps on property taxes for commercial and industrial properties.

Press Mention
The Facts about Voting

LWVC Press Mention: The Associated Press assesses the claim that California is registering noncitizens to vote.

Easy Voter Guide, cavotes, elections, voting, voter guide, trusted source, California

For the new and busy voter, check out our Easy Voter Guide and get help understanding the ballot measures in plain language.

LWVC Legislative Wrap Up, advocacy, grassroots, California, League of Women Voters, freethevote, ACA 6

We advocated tirelessly at the Capitol to empower voters and defend democracy in California.

Public Statement
Vote with the League on the June 2018 ballot measures, ballot recommendations, elections, propositions

The LWVC board took final positions on the measures scheduled for the June ballot. Print and share our The League Recommends flyer. Here’s a quick summary of the League position on each measure:

Nuccio DiNuzzo, Chicago Tribune, muslim ban, immigration, league of women voters, california, diversity, resist
  • We oppose deportation of undocumented immigrants.
  • We reject discrimination based on religion, including orders or actions that target Muslims or immigrants from majority-Muslim nations.
  • We fight discrimination and any threats to civil and human rights.

Do you stand with us?  Make our Voice Louder - Join Us!

Learn more about our position.

proposition 54, vote yes on Prop 54, vpters first, transparency, League of women voters of Californai endorsement

With 17 propositions on California’s general election ballot this year, voters are faced with many decisions, and some can be confusing. There is one ballot measure, however, that’s an easy “yes” vote. Proposition 54 will increase transparency in government, help ensure more thoughtful policy and allow all Californians to review, debate and contribute to the laws we live under.


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