Our Work


In the winter of even numbered years, members across California begin the program planning process by reviewing all existing positions and current issues with their local League members. After discussion, each local League recommends positions to be retained, reviewed, updated, and/or deleted as well as those that the LWVC should emphasize for the following two years. In the spring, the LWVC board of directors evaluates the responses from local Leagues along with current state issues and available financial and human resources. The board develops a proposed League program. The proposed program could include issues for emphasis using existing positions or possible development of new or updated positions through the study process. In May, delegates to the LWVC Convention vote not only on the issues for emphasis, but also on: retention, update and deletion of positions; proposed studies; and the budget for these activities.

Our issues are selected through this grassroots process, with some modifications by the board over time (in order to be responsive to the changing needs of our state).

Key Issues

Heat records are being broken, glaciers are melting, and the seas are rising. We have reached a point where no matter what we do, we cannot avoid a very different climate future. We must act now to prevent truly catastrophic consequences. But what can we do? The most powerful action is our knowledgeable vote.

The role of the criminal justice system is to prevent crime and promote public safety. Current research indicates successful systems focus on pre-trial diversion, rehabilitation and preventing recidivism. Some communities experience excessive force and surveillance by the police. People waste away in prisons serving extreme sentences.

Housing and homelessness in California, League of Women Voters

The League supports equal opportunity in housing. Everyone deserves a safe place to live.


Redistricting is a priority issue for education and advocacy at all levels of the League.

voting rights, freethevote, voting, elections, League of WOmen Voters of California, civil rights

The League of Women Voters has been fighting for voting rights for a hundred years. In California, we have spearheaded cutting-edge reforms to make voting more accessible, convenient, and fair.


We take action on an issue only when we have a position addressing that issue. If the members have not studied and come to consensus on an issue, we have no position and no stand on that issue. Our positions are divided into three areas: Government, Natural Resources, Social Policy.


Our Public Higher Education study scope is to examine access to quality public higher education including funding, affordability, preparedness, equity, and opportunities and barriers to student success.

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