The League of Women Voters of California General Fund, a membership organization, is a nonprofit 501(c)(4) corporation, which does not endorse or oppose candidates or political parties, but we are political. We:
- Act after study and member agreement to achieve solutions in the public interest on key community issues at the state level.
- Build citizen participation in the democratic process.
- Engage communities in promoting positive solutions to public policy issues through education and advocacy.
Mission Statement
The League of Women Voters, a nonpartisan political organization, encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy.
Contact us
Have a question? Need help? Call us at 916-442-7215 or send an email to lwvc at today.
Donations made to the League of Women Voters of California General Fund are not tax-deductible. Donations to our Education Fund are tax-deductible.
We have a very active all-volunteer working board elected by our members at our bi-annual Convention. Please read their biographies (including contact information). Are you interested in serving? Do you know someone you would like to nominate? If yes, please contact our Nominating Committee.
Our fabulous staff is mainly based in Sacramento. Read their biographies (including contact information).
The League of Women Voters of California is the organization where hands-on work to safeguard democracy leads to civic improvement. We welcome people of all ages, citizens and non-citizens.
Join the League, and you will:
- be a member of the local, state and national League;
- have the respect of your community;
- foster dialogue on issues you care about;
- ensure ALL votes are counted and ALL voices are heard;
- preserve our constitutional rights;
- stay informed via extensive League resources;
- or simply know that your support adds to our grassroots strength and our financial resources, making democracy work
What Do I Get As A Member?
The League is different from many organizations in that what it accomplishes comes directly from the involvement of its members. It is a grassroots organization providing every member with opportunities to learn and educate others about government, and take action on public policy. We walk our talk! Groups of League members meet to discuss topics in a nonpartisan setting. They learn effective techniques for public discussion, how to advocate on specific policies, and what the issues beneath the rhetoric are. Our study and consensus process ensures that we are fully informed on issues before we take a stand. This approach has earned the League a national reputation for integrity and thoroughness.
Your participation in League will expose you to a breadth of experiences and issues that will not only inform you but create greater possibilities for civic engagement than you might imagine. You can spend as much or as little time as you wish. Whether you aspire to leadership or are keen to follow the lead of experienced members, the League will excite, use, and nurture your civic curiosity, ideals, or desire for action.
We offer webinars, conference calls, workshops, events and mentorship opportunities throughout the year, at all levels of League. Check out our calendar for state-wide events, and we recommend you contact your local League to find events near you.
How Can I Start My Own League?
lwvc [at] (Contact us for help starting a League in your community today)!