Housing and Homelessness

Housing and homelessness in California, League of Women Voters

Learn more about LWV California's and the National League's position and research on this issue.


Everyone deserves a safe place to live, yet one in four Californians now point to housing and homelessness as the “most important issue facing people in California today.” You can view current data on housing and homelessness from the nonpartisan Public Policy Institute of California.

Why it matters

The League of Women Voters of California supports equal opportunity in housing. From meeting basic human needs to land use and transportation to climate change, this is an issue that affects all parts of the state and a large number of our positions. Needs are different in different areas. Some have a greater need for permanent supportive housing for the formerly homeless while others need homelessness prevention -- family housing or senior housing but all areas need state (and federal) support to meet unmet needs.

What we’re doing

The League of Women Voters of California supports legislative efforts aimed at California’s housing crisis. This includes efforts to increase equal opportunity to decent, stable, and affordable housing as well as prohibiting housing discrimination based on specified personal characteristics, including source of income. We also promote solutions to increase the amount of housing built in a sustainable and accessible manner.

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