Position on Housing and Homelessness


State or National: 
Position in Brief: 

Support of equal opportunity in housing. Support of measures to provide state programs to increase the supply of safe, decent, and adequate housing for all Californians. Support for action at all levels of government for the provision of affordable housing for all Californians.



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  1. Programs and policies to provide equal opportunity for access to housing without discrimination based on race, color, gender, religion, national origin, age, sexual orientation or disability.
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  2. An overall state plan for development with integration of housing, land use and transportation and with attention to factors such as natural resources and basic human needs.
  3. State financial assistance in the form of grants, loans, tax incentives and other means to encourage housing construction and rehabilitation.
    1. Broad state guidelines for use of these funds with more local decision making.
    2. Use of fiscal incentives and disincentives to encourage enforcement of state housing law. --Begin vertical--
    3. Enforcement of use of redevelopment set-aside funds for low and moderate-income housing.

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  4. Standardization and modernization of local building and zoning codes to conform with a state code that:
    1. is enforced by trained inspectors;
    2. encourages new and innovative building materials and methods that can be used to cut housing construction costs;
    3. encourages the use of density bonuses; mixed, cluster and inclusionary zoning; second units; infill development; air rights; and increased density along transportation corridors.
  5. Protection of the rights of both tenants and landlords.
  6. Removal of barriers that inhibit the construction of low and moderate income housing including eventual elimination from the Constitution of the provisions for voter approval before a low-rent housing project may be developed, constructed, or acquired by a public body.
  7. Education of state and local communities concerning need for affordable housing and methods by which this can be attained.
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Position History: 

Adopted 1970; Updated 1973, 1993; Readopted in 2017. Updated in 2019.