NEW! Establish a Local Redistricting Commission in your Community


California Local Redistricting Project

Our partners, Common Cause and McGeorge School of Law have put together an online resource for local governments interested in establishing local commissions: The site includes guidance on creating commissions, a database of every local redistricting ordinance passed in the state, research, and other resources. As part of the project, Common Cause has also committed to helping local organizations or jurisdictions interested in creating a commission with education, research, and drafting.

With the success of the state Citizens Redistricting Commission, more and more cities and counties are embracing local independent redistricting to eliminate the conflict of interest in having elected officials draw their own districts. Local Leagues are leading the way on this wave of reform, most recently establishing model independent commissions in Berkeley, Sacramento, and Oakland.


Last year the LWVC, partnering with Common Cause, sponsored legislation to authorize all counties and general law cities to establish independent redistricting commissions. The bill, SB 1108 (Allen), went into effect this past January. Prior to this, counties and general law cities could only establish advisory commissions.


Read our report, When the People Draw the Lines on the state level commission established in 2013.


Need help or have questions? Contact the CLRP.


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