

California Redistricting Commission Application

The commission needs more women and people of color to apply and help shape the future of California.

Public Statement
Extend redistricting deadlines, amicus brief filed

We must preserve California's independent redistricting process and extend current deadlines.

CA Census, be counted, California, Census, Community

Be Counted! New resources for you!

census, redistricting

The decennial census has a profound impact on how we are represented in our governing institutions — from Congress and state legislatures, down to city councils and school boards. Read our FAQ.

Public Statement
League Files Amicus against Trump Census Order

California immigrant populations are essential to our local economy, and they deserve to be included in the census count

California Local Redistricting Project

Our partners, Common Cause and McGeorge School of Law have put together an online resource for local governments interested in establishing local commissions: www.localredistricting.org. The site includes guidance on creating commissions, a database of every local redistricting ordinance passed in the state, research, and other resources. As part of the project, Common Cause has also committed to helping local organizations or jurisdictions interested in creating a commission with education, research, and drafting.

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