common cause


municipal, democracy, index, government, california, common cause, Irvine foundation, elections

California Common Cause has published it's Municipal Democracy Index, a survey of the governance, election, and campaign practices of ALL 482 cities in California with info like:

· What form of government do most cities use;
· Which offices are elected;
· What voting system do cities use, including the number of cities using at-large, by-district, and from-district elections; and
· Which cities have campaign contribution limits and which cities post campaign disclosures online.

California Local Redistricting Project

Our partners, Common Cause and McGeorge School of Law have put together an online resource for local governments interested in establishing local commissions: The site includes guidance on creating commissions, a database of every local redistricting ordinance passed in the state, research, and other resources. As part of the project, Common Cause has also committed to helping local organizations or jurisdictions interested in creating a commission with education, research, and drafting.

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