

Karen Clopton, League of Women Voters of San Francisco

Find out more about Karen's League journey starting with moderating candidate forums and fighting for voting rights in California.

Public Statement

It is crucial that the California Supreme court extends commissioners time to draw maps to ensure our communities have a voice in this redistricting cycle

California Redistricting Commission Application

The commission needs more women and people of color to apply and help shape the future of California.

Citizens Redistricting Commission, California, gerrymandering,

California is better when we all work together

Public Statement
Extend redistricting deadlines, amicus brief filed

We must preserve California's independent redistricting process and extend current deadlines.

Fair Maps Act signed by Gov Newsom

Fair maps put people before politicians!

census, redistricting

The decennial census has a profound impact on how we are represented in our governing institutions — from Congress and state legislatures, down to city councils and school boards. Read our FAQ.

California Redistricting Commission lacks representation, gerrymadering, California, League of women voters

We joined many organizations and allies in calling on the first 8 commissioners to address this dramatic and unacceptable underrepresentation when they select the next 6 commissioners. All communities must see themselves in this Commission.

Citizens Redistricting Commission, California, gerrymandering,

Seeking diverse applicants to represent California

redistricting deadlines extended in California

California is the first state to extend redistricting deadlines due to the Census Bureau delay.

Public Statement
The People Powered Fair Maps Campaign, LWV, redistricting, gerrymandering

The People Powered Fair Maps Campaign Will Create Fair Redistricting Across America

California Local Redistricting Project

Our partners, Common Cause and McGeorge School of Law have put together an online resource for local governments interested in establishing local commissions: The site includes guidance on creating commissions, a database of every local redistricting ordinance passed in the state, research, and other resources. As part of the project, Common Cause has also committed to helping local organizations or jurisdictions interested in creating a commission with education, research, and drafting.

LWVC Legislative Wrap Up, advocacy, grassroots, California, League of Women Voters, freethevote, ACA 6

We advocated tirelessly at the Capitol to empower voters and defend democracy in California.

fair maps, redistricting, gerrymandering

Engage the public in local redistricting

Voting Rights, voting, COVID19, elections

We are working to protect voters’ rights and defend democracy!

Map of California made of different colored puzzle pieces, text reads: The Promise of Fair Maps

California’s 2020 Local Redistricting Cycle: Lessons Learned and Future Reforms

With the 2020 local redistricting cycle concluded, this report takes a step back to evaluate the effectiveness of the FAIR MAPS Act and related Independent Redistricting Commission reforms at encouraging meaningful public participation and promoting the adoption of maps that better reflect and empower a jurisdiction’s diverse communities.

Press Mention
California teaches Ohio about redistricting

Ohio might look to California for a solution to its gerrymandering problem. The Golden State has succeeded in removing politicians from the drawing of congressional district boundaries, something Ohio lawmakers have refused to do.

So, Californians end up with districts designed to reflect the common interests of their communities, unlike many Ohioans whose districts only reflect the re-election interests of politicians and their parties.

Which process sounds better to you?

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