View our recent press releases and statements to the public.
Media Inquiries
Please contact us at (888) 870-8683 or lwvc [at]
Dear Secretary Bowen:
The League of Women Voters at all levels—national, state, and local—has long been a proponent of increased public disclosure of campaign finance information. Events of the last few years have shown how crucial campaign disclosure is. People can’t make informed choices at the ballot box unless they can follow the money and recognize the political forces at work.
We welcome the chance to comment on how a modernized Cal-Access online system can best serve the needs of all Californians.
Schnur Task Force Recommendations
This year alone, 19 out of 26 of the bills we supported—from improving campaign disclosure to fracking regulations to voting rights—will be California law.
You can join us in defending our democracy right now by making your year end gift to the League of Women Voters of California.
LWVC Questions on BDCP
The League of Women Voters of California (LWVC) was invited to receive a presentation about the Bay Delta Conservation Plan (BDCP) from the BDCP Outreach and Communications Manager. We arranged for the presentation to be made to our Water Committee, which heard the presentation in October 2013.
At the time of the presentation, we were offered the chance to submit any questions we might have. The questions we submitted are listed below.
LWVC Guidance—EPA Listening Session
Climate change is now. Heat records are being broken, glaciers are melting, the seas are rising and we have a moral obligation to protect are children and future generations from the even greater impacts of climate change that will occur if we don’t do something today.
The League of Women Voters
of California announces a civic learning opportunity for high school
students from the LegiSchool Project.
LegiSchool is currently
seeking entries for their annual essay contest. This year’s topic is
Gun Control vs. Gun Rights. The deadline for submission is January 17,
2014. The contest is open to eleventh and twelfth grade students in
California high schools. Ten essayists will be selected as winners and
The League of Women Voters of California announces a civic learning opportunity for high school students from the LegiSchool Project.
LegiSchool is currently seeking entries for their annual essay contest. This year’s topic is Gun Control vs. Gun Rights. The deadline for submission is January 17, 2014. The contest is open to eleventh and twelfth grade students in California high schools. Ten essayists will be selected as winners and provided round trip travel to Sacramento to participate in LegiSchool’s 18th Annual Student Legislative Summit, on April 9, 2014.
Every year, the LWVC encourages local League members to interview their state legislators. This is an opportunity for legislators to share their priorities with League members and to learn about League positions and priorities.
Local League members can learn more about how some state legislative actions are going to affect their communities. The LWVC, in turn, learns more about the legislators and more about local Leagues and their legislative interests, and gains information useful in planning statewide activities.
The League of Women Voters of California Education Fund (LWVCEF) has received a grant from the Irvine Foundation for a project to develop a best practices manual for all of California’s Official Voter Information Guides.
The manual will present recommendations on how to meet the needs of California’s diverse voters and increase engagement, including:
On October 24, 2013, the California Fair Political Practices Commission announced a settlement in the case of secret money donated to the campaign to defeat Proposition 30 and support Proposition 32 in the November 2012 election. The settlement includes a record $1 million fine, based on two donations, one for $4 million, and one for $11 million. Neither of these donations were properly reported according to California law.