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June 26, 2013 -- The League of Women Voters of California (LWVC) praised today’s U.S. Supreme Court decision in Hollingsworth v. Perry that invalidated Proposition 8. The measure, passed by voters in 2008, amended the California Constitution to provide that only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California. The proponents of Prop. 8 had appealed to the U.S.
May 2, 2011 -- The League of Women Voters of California filed an amicus brief today with the California Supreme Court in the case of Perry v. Brown.
Most of the U.S. Census data about voting and registration from the
November 2012 general election focus on voters, but it also examines why
nonvoters did not vote. According to analysis by the Pew Charitable Trusts, the two (of 11 possible) most common reasons
Report Cites Successes and Difficulties for the Commission and Strategies for Ensuring
that Future Commissions are Successful.
League of Women Voters Responds to Santa Monica Shootings
Ann K. Williams calls for stronger gun control legislation in the wake of the tragedy.
To the Editor:
What happened Friday in Santa Monica was a tragedy. It was a tragedy for the victims, for their families, including the family of the gunman, for the students and staff at Santa Monica College, and for our whole community.
Only the quick, effective actions of local law enforcement personnel kept it from being even worse, and we thank them.
Media Briefing Teleconference 6/12 at 10:30 am
New Report
Examines Whether California Citizens Redistricting Commission Was Transparent
and Democratic in Drawing District Lines
Findings will also show whether
Californians approve of the job of the commission and what must change
for future commissions to be successful
Re: Local Control Funding Formula --
The League of Women Voters of California has long supported a less complex, more transparent system of public education funding—one that is adequate, flexible, equitable, reliable, and sustainable; one that is understandable to the public.
The League also believes that the state is responsible for the primary funding of public education, with provision for as much local control as possible over local schools.
An In-Depth Report on California’s First-Ever Citizen Redistricting Commission - "When the People Draw the Lines"
In the past decade, California voters have worked to increase their voice in the democratic process through passing laws that wrestled power from California legislators. Through Propositions 11 and 20, Californians took a stand and stated that they should be the ones leading the process for drawing Assembly, Congressional and Senate district lines.
The League of Women Voters of California has a series of priorities: the Issues for Education and Advocacy set every two years at the LWVC convention, the legislative priorities set for each legislative session by the board, and the core issues of the League that include redistricting, elections, initiative and referendum process, voting rights, campaign finance reform and reproductive choices.