2013-15 Priorities in California for the League of Women Voters


The League of Women Voters of California has a series of priorities: the Issues for Education and Advocacy set every two years at the LWVC convention, the legislative priorities set for each legislative session by the board, and the core issues of the League that include redistricting, elections, initiative and referendum process, voting rights, campaign finance reform and reproductive choices.

Issues for Education and Advocacy

In May of 2013 our delegates voted at our convention to select the following Issues for Education and Advocacy 2013-15:

  • Money in Politics

Continue the current focus on action in the California legislature. Provide opportunities for local Leagues to participate in both advocacy and community education projects. Visit our Money in Politics page for press releases, action alerts, materials, and more.

  • Education

Financing of education, from early childhood through high school; importance of maintaining the educational content and quality of all early childhood programs. Provide opportunities for local Leagues to participate in both advocacy and community education projects. Visit our Education page for press releases, action alerts, materials, and more.

Second Tier of Focus

In addition, a second tier of focus to be acted on as opportunities arise, and if they do not interfere with activities on the higher priority issues, and it appears that the League of Women Voters of California can make an impact.

  • Health Care

Community education about the Affordable Care Act, and continued education and advocacy on a single payer option for Califonria. Visit our Health Care page for press releases, action alerts, materials, and more.

  • Water

Community education and advocacy in preparation for the expected water bond measure on the 2014 ballot. Visit our Water page for press releases, action alerts, materials, and more.

Study of Higher Education

Our delegates also voted to conduct a study of the public higher education system, to include the California Community Colleges, University of California, and California State University systems. Learn more about the League's study process and our Community Colleges Study from 2001.

National Legislative Prioirities

We also note that the League of Women Voters of the United States Priorities are Money in Politics and the many facets of Protecting and Engaging Voters. As part of these priorities, we will continue to work actively on election reform in California as opportunities present themselves.

Large crowd photographed from above at the delegate reception at 2013 LWVC Conve