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The LWVC supported Props 41 and 42, and both passed handily.
Prop 41 builds the kinds of housing Californian's veteran population needs. It offers quality, affordable housing and services like job training, counseling and rehabilitation to our homeless and near-homeless vets.
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The Chronic Absence and Attendance Partnership
AB 1866 (Bocanegra): Pupil Attendance – SUPPORT
The Legislature’s enactment of the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) and other recent efforts have rightly focused on student attendance, chronic absence, truancy, restorative practices, school climate and student engagement. All of these have been elevated by the Legislature knowing that children must be in school to succeed.
California Has Historic Opportunity to Make This a Big Year for Little Kids
May 2014
By Joanne Leavitt, Program Director for Early Childhood Education for the League of Women Voters of California (LWVC)
As legislators work to pass the 2014-15 state budget, the LWVC has joined Early Edge California and more than 40 other organizations in sending letters to Governor Jerry Brown, Senate President pro Tempore Darrell Steinberg, and Assembly Speaker Toni Atkins, urging them to make early learning a top priority.
California has a historic opportunity to provide every child, starting with those who need it most, with high-quality early education, setting them on a path to future success.
Dear Governor Brown:
Please make early learning a top priority in the budget. 2014 is the year to make a significant investment in early learning. In the coming weeks, California has a real and historic opportunity to provide every child, starting with those who need it most, with high-quality early education, setting them on a path to future success.
We urge you to:
May 21, 2014
The Honorable Edmund G. Brown, Jr.
Governor of California
State Capitol Building
Sacramento, CA 95814
Re: Democratic Governors Association Lawsuit
Dear Governor Brown:
Since 1974 the League of Women Voters has applied its principles of open and representative government to political campaigns. In California, the League has supported the Legislature's efforts to enact meaningful campaign finance reform. We appreciate your endorsement of these efforts, including recently signing SB 27.
League Opposes BDCP EIR Certification
The League of Women Voters of California (LWVC) has asked that the EIR/EIS for the Bay Delta Conservation Plan (BDCP) not be certified. LWVC President Jennifer A. Waggoner stated, “It is unlikely that the preferred alternative will meet the coequal goals of providing a reliable water supply and protecting, restoring and enhancing the Delta ecosystem.”
Vote with the League! Yes on Props 41 & 42
You can make a difference! Be sure to vote in the statewide election on June 3.
May 14, 2014--Today the Governor signed Senate Bill 27 (Correa), which will help ensure that campaign contributors can no longer use "dark money" loopholes to avoid disclosure. California voters will be better able to follow the money in campaigns and make more informed decisions at the polls. Many thanks to the many League members and others who supported this important bill!
Californians were shocked by an $11 million contribution to a ballot measure campaign shortly before the November 2012 election -- and the true sources of the money have still not been fully disclosed.