
View our recent press releases and statements to the public.


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Public Statement

Sacramento, CA - Last month, Helen Hutchison of Oakland was appointed President of the League of Women Voters of California and the League of Women Voters of California Education Fund to serve a one-year term to fight for voting rights, responsible public policy, and to lead the charge in providing accessible, nonpartisan election information to all Californians. Hutchison recently signed the ballot argument against Proposition 43, the water bond measure currently on the November election ballot.

Public Statement


Advocacy Groups Present Outline for Commonsense $6B Water Bond


Public Statement

Final Recommendations from California Task Force on K-12 Civic Learning Presented to Chief Justice and Superintendent of Public Instruction

Implementation of civic learning recommendations sought in all K-12 schools.


Why Does Civic Learning Matter?

It is essential that the youth of today learn early on how to live in society. They must learn to speak up. They must learn to understand and appreciate the views of others. They must learn how to reach consensus and implement decisions. It is not enough for them to be lectured to; they must get hands-on experience. This is why youth civic learning for is so important to the League.



The fall election season is in
full-swing, and it’s time to hit the campaign trail with your students for the MyVote
California Student Mock Election

Register your school for the MyVote California Student Mock Election on Tuesday, October 28, 2014


By Helen Hutchison --

California’s school funding system – known formally as the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) – provides the opportunity for renewed civic engagement in our schools. LCFF stands to empower citizens to fully participate in a democratic process that’s occurring right in their backyard and to have a meaningful role in local decisions for the benefit of all students. It’s an exciting time to witness such a dynamic and new model of civic participation; however, greater transparency will determine the success of this new school funding approach.

Public Statement

Voter's Edge, an online national resource for voter information, announces the upcoming release of its comprehensive database of nonpartisan information on candidates and ballot measures in the 2014 election. The Voter's Edge API will give developers the ability to build web applications with customized election data on their own media platforms. The Voter's Edge API will be made freely available by MapLight in July 2014.

Voter's Edge API will include the following data on federal candidates and ballot measures:

Public Statement

The Honorable Darrell Steinberg
Senate President pro Tem

The Honorable Toni Atkins
Assembly Speaker

California State Legislature
Capitol Building
Sacramento, CA 95814

Re: Water Bond

Dear Pro Tem Steinberg and Speaker Atkins:

We are writing today to share our concerns about water bond negotiations in progress.

Public Statement

League of Women Voters & Sierra Club to Oppose Potential Water Bond Unless Fiscal Oversight, Environmental Protection Ensured


Make sure no one is left out of the November Election!

Low voter turnout got you down? Do something about it! Sign up to be a part of National Voter Registration Day on September 23, 2014.
