Do you want strong leadership in California? When you make a gift to the League of Women Voters of California, you help us empower and train leaders in every area of our democracy—whether educating voters, advocating for transparency in government, or tackling the most challenging social and economic issues of the day.
Millions of Californians choose to cast vote-by-mail ballots, but not every ballot cast gets counted. Each statewide election, tens of thousands of mail ballots cast are rejected, leaving voters disenfranchised.
Learn more about the candidates running for statewide office this election. Check out our playlist of video interviews done in partnership with The California Channel as part of the Free Airtime Project:
SACRAMENTO - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today joined Senate President pro Tem Darrell Steinberg, Think Long Committee for California chair Nicolas Berggruen and others to sign legislation - SB 1253 - to increase public participation in the initiative process and provide better information to voters on ballot measures.