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In the spring, hundreds of people gathered for two California
Secretary of State Forums – one in Los Angeles
and the other in San
Diego. The events sparked a great
statewide Twitter conversation. Why? Because the Secretary of State race is being
called the race
Here is information about the November Ballot Measures that goes deeper than our summary information. Look for More In Depth content at the end of each Ballot Measure Pro and Con. Not only do our League researchers rely on proposition analysis from the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO), but look further into the ballot issues by using other resources, including the Official Voter Information Guide, legislative hearings, policy experts, government officials, newspapers, and ballot measure campaigns.
you heard the great news?
Dorah Caroline Mafabi, Managing Partner of the Center
for Social Economic Rights Protection in Uganda, has joined the LWVCEF team. She will be
supporting voter service and education programs for the November election as
part of a four-month fellowship of the Community Solutions
Program of the U.S. Department of State, in partnership with IREX.
(Sacramento) – The Senate approved a measure to strengthen the ballot initiative process with bipartisan support in both the Senate and the Assembly. The Ballot Initiative Transparency Act, SB-1253 authored by Senate Leader Darrell Steinberg, will increase public participation during the initiative process and provide greater information to voters on proposed initiatives. The measure passed the Senate on a 28 to 9 vote and now heads to the Governor for his consideration.
SB 52, California DISCLOSE Act, Fails to Pass Out of the Legislature
The League has supported SB 52 (Leno), the California DISCLOSE Act that would have required the largest funders of political ads to be clearly and legibly identified on the ads themselves. It would have given voters useful, readily understood information about the sources of funding of television, radio, and print ads and robocalls.
California Online Voter Registration Webinar: Strategies for Using COVR in your Community Efforts
As part of the League of Women Voters of California Education Fund's ongoing effort to create awareness for California Online Voter Registration (COVR) and increase use of the translated versions of the tool, we have partnered with the Future of California Elections (FoCE) to provide a free webinar on Friday, September 5 at 10:00 a.m. PST.
Come hear the candidates for State Superintendent of Public Instruction
discuss critical issues impacting preschool-through-12th-grade public instruction in California. This public event will be held on September 17, 2014 from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm at the LA County Office of Education, LACOE Conference Center, Education Center West - 12830 Columbia Way, Downey, CA, 90242. Read and share the flyer.
Sacramento, CA - A new report issued August 18, 2014 by the California Voter Foundation (CVF) finds that the top three reasons why some ballots go uncounted in three counties studied are that they are received too late, lack the voter's signature, or the signature on the ballot envelope does not sufficiently compare to the one on file.
The report is online at