California Online Voter Registration (COVR)


California Online Voter Registration Webinar: Strategies for Using COVR in your Community Efforts

As part of the League of Women Voters of California Education Fund's ongoing effort to create awareness for California Online Voter Registration (COVR) and increase use of the translated versions of the tool, we have partnered with the Future of California Elections (FoCE) to provide a free webinar on Friday, September 5 at 10:00 a.m. PST.  

The event will cover topics on the usability of online voter registration and strategies for outreach and promoting COVR. The target audience of the webinar is nonprofits and organizations that have direct contact with individuals who may be eligible to vote, but not registered. 

Please join us in promoting and attending this event! 

To register for the event, visit

To view a toolkit to help promote online voter registration, visit

California Online Voter Registration

Additional materials: 
PDF icon COVR Webinar_090514_0_0.pdf496.78 KB