High School Essay Contest: Gun Control vs Gun Rights



The League of Women Voters
of California announces a civic learning opportunity for high school
students from the LegiSchool Project.
LegiSchool is currently
seeking entries for their annual essay contest. This year’s topic is
Gun Control vs. Gun Rights. The deadline for submission is January 17,
2014. The contest is open to eleventh and twelfth grade students in
California high schools. Ten essayists will be selected as winners and
provided round trip travel to Sacramento to participate in LegiSchool’s
18th Annual Student Legislative Summit, on April 9, 2014.
More detailed information and submission instructions can be found here.
LegiSchool Project is a civic education collaboration between
California State University, Sacramento and the State Legislature,
administered by the Center for California Studies. LegiSchool’s mission
is to engage young people in matters of public policy and state
government by creating opportunities for students and state leaders to
meet and share ideas on issues affecting Californians.