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Do you know your rights on Election Day?
Use this handy Know Your Rights Card from the ACLU to be prepared on Election Day.
November 6 is near, make sure you know your rights on Election Day and share it with a friend.
The Secretary of State’s
office, in coordination with the Department of Motor Vehicles and the 58 county
elections officials, made easier the process of voter registration in California.
Now, any eligible California
voter who has access to the Internet and a driver’s license or ID signature on
file with the DMV can register whenever and wherever it is convenient.
The League of Women Voters of California is excited about today’s implementation of online voter registration in our state. We applaud the work of the Secretary of State’s office, in coordination with the Department of Motor Vehicles and the 58 county elections officials, to give Californians a more open and accessible registration process.
Dear Governor Brown:
The League of Women Voters of California is pleased to support AB 1436 (Feuer), and we respectfully request your signature on this bill. AB 1436 would establish conditional voter registration, allowing eligible citizens to register and vote at official locations on election day or during the 14-day period leading up to election day.
The Easy Voter Guide for the November 6, 2012 General Election is now available in English, Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Korean Purchased in bundles of 50 copies for $9.00, plus shipping and handling.
The Easy Voter Guide is 12 pages and features explanations about:
League of Women Voters Endorses Governor’s Initiative to Get California Back on Track
Sacramento, CA – The League of Women Voters of California (LWVC) announced today that the nonpartisan organization’s board voted to endorse Governor Jerry Brown’s initiative to balance the budget and protect schools and public safety.
To the Judicial Council:
The League of Women Voters of California would like to comment on the Strategic Evaluation Committee (SEC) report on the Administrative Office of the Courts.
The League appreciates the hard work that went into this report, which is directed toward the laudable goal of improving the manner in which the AOC provides services to the courts and the public.
Should your state or community have an
independent redistricting commission? We held a webinar on July 11, 2012 to
talk about the overwhelming success of California's
2011 redistricting process.
Galambos Malloy and Stanley Forbes, two members of California’s
new Citizens Redistricting Commission, joined League members who
worked to establish this revolutionary reform to discuss how the independent,
transparent and fair redistricting process worked in California.
Dear Members of the Citizens Redistricting Commission:
As you begin to draw the first draft maps, the League of Women Voters of California would like to offer some important considerations about the mapping criteria in the Voters FIRST Act. As you know, the criteria for drawing the maps are listed in a specific order, and you are directed by the Act to follow them in that order of priority. This is because in the complex task of drawing district lines, following one criterion may make it more difficult to fully adhere to another, lower one.
Dear Chair Hoppin and Members of the Board:
The League of Women Voters of California supports a statewide requirement that wastewater agencies use volumetric billing for residential customers.