September 7, 2012
Dear Governor Brown:
The League of Women Voters of California is pleased to support AB 1436 (Feuer), and we respectfully request your signature on this bill. AB 1436 would establish conditional voter registration, allowing eligible citizens to register and vote at official locations on election day or during the 14-day period leading up to election day.
The League of Women Voters encourages all people who are eligible to vote to register and to cast an informed vote in all elections. We believe that government should make registration and re-registration easy, while assuring that the basic requirements of citizenship, age, and residency are met. We also believe that the state should take a stronger role in encouraging the facilitation of registration and voting.
AB 1436 would open up our registration process, which often presents a barrier to eligible voters. Under conditional voter registration, a person would be permitted to register to vote and immediately vote a provisional ballot on election day or at any time prior to election day when ballots may be cast. This ballot will be counted if the registration can be deemed effective before the end of the canvass period for the election. Conditional voter registration will take effect on the January 1 after California has successfully implemented a statewide voter registration database that complies with the federal Help America Vote Act of 2002.
We are pleased to support AB 1436 as it appears before you. We urge you to sign this important bill to allow election-day registration and voting with a minimum of restrictive requirements.
Jennifer A. Waggoner
cc: Assembly Member Mike Feuer
AB 1436 Support Election Day Registration
Attachment | Size |
2012-09-07-ab-1436-request-governor-signature.pdf | 61.6 KB |