


As the 2016 legislative year comes to a close, we are delighted to report a number of victories—and a few areas where further work is needed.


Among the LWVC successes in our Government program areas were significant bills affecting money in politics, voting rights, and redistricting.

Pictures of Trudy Schafer Fellowship

Today the League of Women Voters of California launches the Trudy Schafer Fellowship for Public Policy. Named for our powerhouse lobbyist, the Schafer Fellowship will train and support emerging policy leaders—creating a new cohort of advocates to follow in Trudy’s footsteps to win change and reforms in Sacramento!

To learn more and to support the Schafer Fellowship visit:

More about Trudy Schafer's retirement.

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Don't miss a chance to contact your legislators on the issues you care about!


The 2017 California legislative session is a wrap, and thanks to supporters like you, we have new laws addressing many of the critical issues we face in California. Because so many of you took action, we’re celebrating major legislative victories:

Public Statement

Highlights of California’s Legislative Biennium: 2017-2018

Public Statement
Yes on Prop 68 image of parks

California must lead the way. Our state is feeling the effects of climate change—from severe droughts to devastating wildfires — yet our federal government is refusing to act. We are proud to support Yes on 68 as it takes a smart and efficient approach to protecting California’s natural resources. Proposition 68 will invest $4 billion in securing our state’s water supplies and ensuring every Californian has access to clean drinking water and safe, quality parks.

Karen Jones, LWVC, Advocacy, fellowship, Trudy Schafer, grassroots, California

We are excited to invest in supporting a new era of advocates!


Meet Wesley Edwards, a rising senior from Denver, Colorado, pursuing a degree in Philosophy and Public Affairs from Claremont McKenna College in Southern California. Most of his coursework has focused on the intersection of beliefs and ethics, he is also passionate about government. During his internship at the League, Wesley will be developing toolkits and educational materials for use by local Leagues in areas like public financing of campaigns, voting accessibility and voter engagement, or local redistricting.

LWVC Legislative Wrap Up, advocacy, grassroots, California, League of Women Voters, freethevote, ACA 6

We advocated tirelessly at the Capitol to empower voters and defend democracy in California.

Nuccio DiNuzzo, Chicago Tribune, muslim ban, immigration, league of women voters, california, diversity, resist
  • We oppose deportation of undocumented immigrants.
  • We reject discrimination based on religion, including orders or actions that target Muslims or immigrants from majority-Muslim nations.
  • We fight discrimination and any threats to civil and human rights.

Do you stand with us?  Make our Voice Louder - Join Us!

Learn more about our position.

action laerts, grassroots, advocacy, league of women voters, california

Join our grassroots action network to advocate on the issues you care about in your community. Sign up to receive our Action Alerts today!

What are we working on?

Check out the legislation we are supporting or opposing in our Bill Status Report.

You can also read our Legislative Wrap Up summary on our 2018 advocacy work.

Immigration, Ryan Compromise, advocacy, League of women Voters

This week the U.S. House will vote on immigration legislation that is not in our national interest. Take action and tell your representative to vote NO on the Ryan Compromise legislation.

Thank you from LWVC staff

Last week marked the halfway point in the legislature for the year, and our two highest priority bills have successfully made it to the State Senate.

legislation, bills, advocacy, grassroots, league of women voters, california

Review the bills we oppose and/or support in our Bill Status Report:

Trudy Schafer Public Policy Fellowship, California, advocacy, LWV, titan

The Trudy Schafer Public Policy Fellowship supports the development of the next generation of California advocates in learning how to drive non-partisan change in the state legislature.

advocacy, grassroots, california, League of women voters, SB72, SB139, Ab 849

Thanks for taking action - we won!

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