League Endorses Yes on Prop 68 for Clean Water and Safe Parks


Yes on Prop 68 image of parks

California must lead the way. Our state is feeling the effects of climate change—from severe droughts to devastating wildfires — yet our federal government is refusing to act. We are proud to support Yes on 68 as it takes a smart and efficient approach to protecting California’s natural resources. Proposition 68 will invest $4 billion in securing our state’s water supplies and ensuring every Californian has access to clean drinking water and safe, quality parks. Notable supporters include Governor Jerry Brown, The Nature Conservancy, The Trust for Public Land, the Association of California Water Agencies, The California Chamber of Commerce, League of California Cities, American Lung Association in California and other advocates for California’s public health.

Now, more than ever, we must protect our water and parks. If we won’t, who will?

What is the League's position on Prop 68?

The League says to vote Yes on Prop 68! The water projects funded by this bond are forward thinking and are a key part of our state response to climate change. Read more.

How can I find out more?

Learn more at Yes68CA.com and follow Yes on 68 California on Facebook and Twitter.