ballot measures


Public Statement
Schools and communities first, split roll, LWV CA, November election, ballot measure, grassroots

Our coalition submits more than 1.7 million signatures of support and our initiative will now qualify for the November 2020 ballot

EASY VOTER GUIDE | Read / print your copy at Available in English, Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Korean.

Our Easy Voter Guide helps the election makes sense. Available languages include English, Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Korean.

Easy Voter Guide, California, elections, voting, cavotes, ballot measures, hoe to vote, elections, caelections, Prop 13, March 3 primary

New and busy voter? Check out our Easy Voter Guide to help you prepare to vote in the March 3, 2020 Primary Election!

Easy Voter Guide, League of Women Voters of California Education Fund

View our beloved Easy Voter Guides online now! Available in English, Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Korean!

Order your own copies for all of your voter education and outreach activities.


Here is information about the November Ballot Measures that goes deeper than our summary information. Look for More In Depth content at the end of each Ballot Measure Pro and Con. Not only do our League researchers rely on proposition analysis from the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO), but look further into the ballot issues by using other resources, including the Official Voter Information Guide, legislative hearings, policy experts, government officials, newspapers, and ballot measure campaigns.

Schools and Communities First, close tax loophole, ballot measure, League of Women Voters, California, Tax reform, make it fair

Get engaged in our efforts to put Schools and Communities First in California.

Public Statement
Yes on Prop 68 image of parks

California must lead the way. Our state is feeling the effects of climate change—from severe droughts to devastating wildfires — yet our federal government is refusing to act. We are proud to support Yes on 68 as it takes a smart and efficient approach to protecting California’s natural resources. Proposition 68 will invest $4 billion in securing our state’s water supplies and ensuring every Californian has access to clean drinking water and safe, quality parks.

Yes on Prop 55 Image of facts

When discussing why we need to maintain the current income tax rates on the wealthiest, it’s important to talk about what is at stake.

Public Statement
Ballot Measure Videos, california channel, propositions, elections, cavotes, voting

NEW! Short videos on the 11 ballot measure to help you vote with confidence on November 6.

Pros and cons on the ballot measures, propositions, cavotes, caelections, voting, League of Women Voters of California Education Fund

Get unbiased, well-researched info on the ballot measures so you can vote with confidence on June 5.

Easy Voter Guide, cavotes, elections, voting, voter guide, trusted source, California

For the new and busy voter, check out our Easy Voter Guide and get help understanding the ballot measures in plain language.

Public Statement
Vote with the League on the June 2018 ballot measures, ballot recommendations, elections, propositions

The LWVC board took final positions on the measures scheduled for the June ballot. Print and share our The League Recommends flyer. Here’s a quick summary of the League position on each measure:

proposition 54, vote yes on Prop 54, vpters first, transparency, League of women voters of Californai endorsement

With 17 propositions on California’s general election ballot this year, voters are faced with many decisions, and some can be confusing. There is one ballot measure, however, that’s an easy “yes” vote. Proposition 54 will increase transparency in government, help ensure more thoughtful policy and allow all Californians to review, debate and contribute to the laws we live under.

Pros & Cons, Pros y Contras | PDF available now in English& Spanish

View our Pros & Cons on the ballot measures to help you prepare to vote in the November 8 General Election.

Pros and cons on the ballot measures, voter guides, California, voting, propositions

Get ready to vote on 12 statewide ballot measures November 3! English & Spanish!

Pros y Contras | Información no partidista sobre las proposiciones  estatales

Obtenga información no partidista y bien investigada sobre las proposiciones, para que puedas votar con confianza el 8 de noviembre. ¡Ahora disponible en español!

Press Mention

The great news about the controversy-filled Nov. 8 election is that it is almost here. The scary news is that before we can be done with it, we have to prepare for it. And with 17 statewide ballot propositions and a slew of city and countywide measures awaiting our decisions, what we are looking at is less a civic sprint than a municipal marathon. Cue the blood, sweat and fears.

Public Statement
voter guide, unbiased, CAElections, League of Women Voters, ballot measures, california elections, voting, propositions, voter's edge, unbiased

Online Guide Provides Unbiased Information That's Easy to Understand for 2016 Election

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