

Pre-registration, voting, elections, youth vote, California, cavotes, vote

Register now - vote at 18

vote, voting, elections, primary, California, voting tips, voter's edge, GOTV


Get ready to vote with our 3 tips!

1. View your ballot & find your polling place:

Get the facts before you vote! View your entire ballot using our online voter guide: Voter’s Edge California.

Voter’s Edge California is also in Spanish!

seeking board members in California

New application deadline - November 15, 2020!

Voter education Toolkit, cavotes, gotv, unbiased, voter guide, LWV, California, voting

Plain Language Messaging & Graphics for the Upcoming Election

League of Women Voters of California Education Fund 2020 Graphic

Find out how we helped voters across California!

EASY VOTER GUIDE | Read / print your copy at Available in English, Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Korean.

Our Easy Voter Guide helps the election makes sense. Available languages include English, Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Korean.

Public Statement
voting in California, elections, democracy, cavotes

Our post-election statement for California

Public Statement
Free Airtime Project, cavotes, election, candidates, California

League of Women Voters of California Education Fund and The California Channel Join Forces to Help Californians Vote with Confidence

National Voter Registration Day League of Women Voters California

Join Leagues across our Nation to register voters on NVRD day!

election results, california, votersedge, cavotes, caelections, voting

Find out the results of the election from Voter's Edge California. Enter your address and see all the reporting, hour by hour.

More can be found on the California Secretary of State's website.

California Governor Recall Election, voting, cavotes, 2021carecall

Make sure you know where your vote by mail is being mailed - check online now.

Easy Voter Guide, League of Women Voters of California Education Fund

View our beloved Easy Voter Guides online now! Available in English, Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Korean!

Order your own copies for all of your voter education and outreach activities.

voter guide, unbiased, CAElections, League of Women Voters, ballot measures, california elections, voting, propositions, voter's edge, unbiased

Get the facts before you vote Nov 6!


Prepare to vote in the November 8 California General Election

Public Statement
Voting by mail in California, Covid19, voting rights, caelections, elections, voting

Voting rights advocates call on the state legislature to mandate safe, accessible in-person voting locations and to appropriate funds necessary to make California’s November 2020 election a success

Elect Justice CA, cavotes, voting, california, elections, vote, voe ready, criminal justice, justice

Learn more about the local candidates who impact your criminal justice system with Elect Justice CA.

Donate and Help California Voters, cavotes, elections, California, caelections, voting, voter guides, nonpartisan

Now more than ever, Americans are hungry for factual, nonpartisan information that is free of propaganda. Because of our reputation for empowering voters with unbiased resources, we are increasingly being called upon to make sure elections are open and accessible to all Californians. Donate today to help us prepare for 2020!

Public Statement
voting, voting rights, California, elections, covid19, cornavirus, League of Women Voters

We are working on a set of recommendations to achieve a successful presidential election in California.

Public Statement
League and Mixte Win Voting Inflluencer Awards

Our #VotingMovesCA youth voter outreach campaign recognized

voters edge, california, elections, local, ballot look up, voting CAelections, voter guides, los angeles

Do you live in any of these counties: Los Angeles, San Mateo, Alameda, Sonoma or Santa Clara? If you do, you have local elections this March, April, May or June!

Get your ballot from Voter's Edge California:

How will you vote about the issues impacting your community every day?

National Voter registration day, vote ready, register to vote, California, cavotes

Educating citizens and uniting America through civic life.

Easy Voter Guides online, cavotes, elections, california, voter guide

Multilingual election info that's easy to read - Check our our beloved Easy Voter Guide

Go Vote June 5, GOTV, CAvotes, election, primaries, voting, Facebook, social media, vote

Don't just share your opinions on the internet - vote on June 5!

View and share our Get Out the Vote video and our Follow the Money Video PSAs reminding you to use your voice at the ballot box on election day!

What's on my ballot?

Visit our unbiased online voter guide, Voter's Edge California, and enter your address to view your ballot and find your polling place.

Public Statement
Ballot Measure Videos, california channel, propositions, elections, cavotes, voting

NEW! Short videos on the 11 ballot measure to help you vote with confidence on November 6.

Pros and cons on the ballot measures, propositions, cavotes, caelections, voting, League of Women Voters of California Education Fund

Get unbiased, well-researched info on the ballot measures so you can vote with confidence on June 5.

Get out the vote, vote June 5, last minute voting tips, elections, california

Get involved in our new campaign to register 2000 high school students across California

Easy Voter Guide, cavotes, elections, voting, voter guide, trusted source, California

For the new and busy voter, check out our Easy Voter Guide and get help understanding the ballot measures in plain language.

Public Statement
Vote with the League on the June 2018 ballot measures, ballot recommendations, elections, propositions

The LWVC board took final positions on the measures scheduled for the June ballot. Print and share our The League Recommends flyer. Here’s a quick summary of the League position on each measure:

Pros & Cons, Pros y Contras | PDF available now in English& Spanish

View our Pros & Cons on the ballot measures to help you prepare to vote in the November 8 General Election.

Pros and cons on the ballot measures, voter guides, California, voting, propositions

Get ready to vote on 12 statewide ballot measures November 3! English & Spanish!

Pros y Contras | Información no partidista sobre las proposiciones  estatales

Obtenga información no partidista y bien investigada sobre las proposiciones, para que puedas votar con confianza el 8 de noviembre. ¡Ahora disponible en español!

vote, elections, covid19, california, voting rights

Changes to our voting process must be done in ways to voters who are already underrepresented in our democratic system. Make a gift and it will be matched!!

election dates 2018, voting, California, cavotes, League of women voters of California education fund

Get ready to vote in the 2018 mid term elections!

1. Make sure you are registered to vote! If you moved, you must re-register to vote.

2. Save these election dates: June 5 & November 6.

3. Before election day, view your ballot and find your polling place using Voter's Edge California

election, vote, California, cavotes, register

Make sure you are registered to your current address to receive all election mailings.

Public Statement
LWVC ED Melissa Breach speaks about new voter registration form at press event on 4/5/18.

SACRAMENTO – Secretary of State Alex Padilla has unveiled a newly redesigned voter registration card for use throughout California. This is the first major redesign of the voter registration card since 2008. The new voter registration cards are available at the Secretary of State’s office and have been shipped to county elections officials throughout the state. The California voter registration card is available in 10 languages--

National Voter Registration Day September 25, 2018

Help make democracy work - get your community registered to vote!

Press Mention

Every Wednesday through Election Day on November 6th, Rose Aguilar will host a special second hour of Your Call at 11am focusing on California's crucial races, propositions, and regional measures.

This week, we’ll host a debate about Proposition 3, the California Water Infrastructure and Watershed Conservation Bond Initiative. The measure would issue $8.877 billion in general obligation bonds for water-related projects like wastewater recycling, restoring watersheds and rivers, and groundwater storage.

Thank you for voting girl with american flag cape

Make sure your voter status is up to date so you are ready to vote this November

Family ivoted picture, cavotes, elections, California, Los Angeles, Sarah Levy

More Californians are voting! Let's keep it up and mark your calendar for the November 6 election.

voters, california, partnerships, League of women voters, california, education fund, voter education, cavotes, nonpartisan, elections

Hundreds of thousands of Californians were helped through our partnerships with agencies and organizations. Partnerships our powerful!

Voting Rights, voting, COVID19, elections

We are working to protect voters’ rights and defend democracy!

democracy, League of WOmen Voters, CAvotes, California, elections, year end giving

Help us ensure California is a place where the promise of democracy is realized for everyone.

Voter's Choice Act Outreach Toolkit, voting, California, VCA, vote centers, cavotes

Outreach help on voting changes due to COVID-19 for Local Leagues

Voter's Choice California increasing voter turnout through vote centers

Learn about our collaborative efforts to make voting easy and accessible for all Californians!

Public Statement
Put your ballot in the palm of your hand:

Get the facts before you vote on June 5

voter's edge lawn signs wth dogs

Help get out the vote with our lawn signs

Public Statement
voters edge california, voter guide, voting, elections, league of women voters,

Get the facts before you vote using


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