November 7, 2016
Get ready to vote with our 3 tips!
1. View your ballot & find your polling place:
Get the facts before you vote! View your entire ballot using our online voter guide: Voter’s Edge California.
Voter’s Edge California is also in Spanish!
Share Voter’s Edge California on Facebook or Twitter with your friends. Voters can create a cheat sheet to take to the polls!
2. Still have your vote by mail ballot?
Your ballot must be postmarked on or before Election Day. Drop your ballot off at your polling place or your county elections office. Find your county elections office.
Don't forget to sign it!
3. Voting in person at the polls?
Polls are open from 7am until 8 pm. If you are in line to vote before 8, you will be allowed vote! Find your polling place.
If you encounter any problems at the polls call the Election Protection hotline: 1-866-OUR-VOTE, 1-888-Ve-Y-Vota and 1-888-API-VOTE.