

vote, voting, elections, primary, California, voting tips, voter's edge, GOTV


Get ready to vote with our 3 tips!

1. View your ballot & find your polling place:

Get the facts before you vote! View your entire ballot using our online voter guide: Voter’s Edge California.

Voter’s Edge California is also in Spanish!

Press Mention
Dora Rose, future of california elections, FOCE conference, elections, California, League of women voters

As election officials and reformers gathered for an annual event in Los Angeles, the goal of upgrading California's elections took on special significance this year in the face of a crisis of confidence in democracy itself.

At the Future of California Elections Conference yesterday, the focus remained on improving the mechanics of elections administration with an eye toward the threat of politics gumming up the works.

Donate and Help California Voters, cavotes, elections, California, caelections, voting, voter guides, nonpartisan

Now more than ever, Americans are hungry for factual, nonpartisan information that is free of propaganda. Because of our reputation for empowering voters with unbiased resources, we are increasingly being called upon to make sure elections are open and accessible to all Californians. Donate today to help us prepare for 2020!

CALSenDebate16, Harris, Sanchez, CAlifornia, CAElections, Debate

We partnered with the Pat Brown Institute and KABC7 on the ONLY debate between the two California candidates for the U.S. Senate, Loretta Sanchez and Kamala Harris, held on Wednesday, October 5 from 7:00-8:00 pm. Panelists included former League President Janis R. Hirohama.

Read more about the event.

Go Vote June 5, GOTV, CAvotes, election, primaries, voting, Facebook, social media, vote

Don't just share your opinions on the internet - vote on June 5!

View and share our Get Out the Vote video and our Follow the Money Video PSAs reminding you to use your voice at the ballot box on election day!

What's on my ballot?

Visit our unbiased online voter guide, Voter's Edge California, and enter your address to view your ballot and find your polling place.

proposition 54, vote yes on Prop 54, vpters first, transparency, League of women voters of Californai endorsement

With 17 propositions on California’s general election ballot this year, voters are faced with many decisions, and some can be confusing. There is one ballot measure, however, that’s an easy “yes” vote. Proposition 54 will increase transparency in government, help ensure more thoughtful policy and allow all Californians to review, debate and contribute to the laws we live under.

Press Mention

The great news about the controversy-filled Nov. 8 election is that it is almost here. The scary news is that before we can be done with it, we have to prepare for it. And with 17 statewide ballot propositions and a slew of city and countywide measures awaiting our decisions, what we are looking at is less a civic sprint than a municipal marathon. Cue the blood, sweat and fears.

Family ivoted picture, cavotes, elections, California, Los Angeles, Sarah Levy

More Californians are voting! Let's keep it up and mark your calendar for the November 6 election.

Public Statement
voters edge california, media, caelections, cavotes, league of women voters, unbiased, facts

Media outlets and nonprofit organizations can easily integrate ballot measure and candidate cards into any webpage to supplement their coverage of election contests and help voters research their ballots.

Public Statement
voter guide, unbiased, CAElections, League of Women Voters, ballot measures, california elections, voting, propositions, voter's edge, unbiased

Online Guide Provides Unbiased Information That's Easy to Understand for 2016 Election

Public Statement
Voter's Edge California mobile view

View your entire ballot and get the facts before you vote from Voter's Edge

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