November 3, 2016

Voter's Edge California has unveiled new "cards" that provide summary information, such as top donors and endorsements, about candidates and statewide ballot measures in a condensed, convenient format. Media outlets and nonprofit organizations can easily integrate ballot measure and candidate cards into any webpage to supplement their coverage of election contests and help voters research their ballots. The cards are available at no cost and are automatically updated with new campaign contribution data.
- Prop. 51 — Bonds for School Facilities
- Prop. 52 — Private Hospital Fees for Medi-Cal
- Prop. 53 — Public Vote on Revenue Bonds
- Prop. 54 — Changes to the Legislative Process
- Prop. 55 — Extend Tax on High Income
- Prop. 56 — Tobacco Tax
- Prop. 57 — Parole, Sentencing and Court Procedures
- Prop. 58 — English Language Education
- Prop. 59 — Political Spending Advisory Question
- Prop. 60 — Condoms in Adult Films
- Prop. 61 — Prescription Drug Costs
- Prop. 62 — Repealing the Death Penalty
- Prop. 63 — Gun and Ammunition Sales
- Prop. 64 — Making Recreational Marijuana Legal
- Prop. 65 — Money from Carry-Out Bags
- Prop. 66 — Death Penalty Court Procedures
- Prop. 67 — Plastic Bag Ban
To embed content cards for individual candidates, search for the candidate's name on and then click the "</>" button at the top of page labeled "Get Embeddable Content." For questions about content cards from Voter's Edge, contact Alec Saslow at alec [at] or 720-319-4948.
About Voter's Edge California
Voter's Edge California, a joint project of the League of Women Voters of California Education Fund and MapLight, was made possible by generous support from The James Irvine Foundation. The national expansion of the Voter's Edge project was also generously supported by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, the Kaphan Foundation, the Rita Allen Foundation, and the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation.
Media Contact:
Alec Saslow
c: 720-319-4948
e: alec [at]
t: @votersedge