

election dates 2018, voting, California, cavotes, League of women voters of California education fund

Get ready to vote in the 2018 mid term elections!

1. Make sure you are registered to vote! If you moved, you must re-register to vote.

2. Save these election dates: June 5 & November 6.

3. Before election day, view your ballot and find your polling place using Voter's Edge California

election, vote, California, cavotes, register

Make sure you are registered to your current address to receive all election mailings.

Public Statement
LWVC ED Melissa Breach speaks about new voter registration form at press event on 4/5/18.

SACRAMENTO – Secretary of State Alex Padilla has unveiled a newly redesigned voter registration card for use throughout California. This is the first major redesign of the voter registration card since 2008. The new voter registration cards are available at the Secretary of State’s office and have been shipped to county elections officials throughout the state. The California voter registration card is available in 10 languages--

Public Statement
new VCA counties in California, voting, elections, vote centers, stephanie doute

SACRAMENTO – California Secretary of State Shirley N. Weber, Ph.D. has announced that 11 new California counties have adopted the Voter’s Choice Act (VCA) election model while two more counties will complete their transition to the voting model later this year. 

National Voter Registration Day, California, voting, League of Women Voters, elections, voter registration
Please take a moment to sign up for National Voter Registration Day 2016 now: If you sign up now, you'll be mailed a packet of posters, stickers, and a toolkit explaining how you can participate.
When: Tuesday, September 27th, 2016
National VOter Registration DAy Sign up, NVRD, California, league of women voters education fund, voting, elections
In 2008, 6 million Americans didn’t vote because they missed a registration deadline or didn’t know how to register. In 2017, we want to make sure no one is left out. On September 26, 2017, volunteers, celebrities, and organizations from all over the country will “hit the streets” for National Voter Registration Day.
National Voter Registration Day September 25, 2018

Help make democracy work - get your community registered to vote!

Press Mention

Every Wednesday through Election Day on November 6th, Rose Aguilar will host a special second hour of Your Call at 11am focusing on California's crucial races, propositions, and regional measures.

This week, we’ll host a debate about Proposition 3, the California Water Infrastructure and Watershed Conservation Bond Initiative. The measure would issue $8.877 billion in general obligation bonds for water-related projects like wastewater recycling, restoring watersheds and rivers, and groundwater storage.

Press Mention

The great news about the controversy-filled Nov. 8 election is that it is almost here. The scary news is that before we can be done with it, we have to prepare for it. And with 17 statewide ballot propositions and a slew of city and countywide measures awaiting our decisions, what we are looking at is less a civic sprint than a municipal marathon. Cue the blood, sweat and fears.

Family ivoted picture, cavotes, elections, California, Los Angeles, Sarah Levy

More Californians are voting! Let's keep it up and mark your calendar for the November 6 election.

Thank you for voting girl with american flag cape

Make sure your voter status is up to date so you are ready to vote this November

voters, california, partnerships, League of women voters, california, education fund, voter education, cavotes, nonpartisan, elections

Hundreds of thousands of Californians were helped through our partnerships with agencies and organizations. Partnerships our powerful!

Voting Rights, voting, COVID19, elections

We are working to protect voters’ rights and defend democracy!

democracy, League of WOmen Voters, CAvotes, California, elections, year end giving

Help us ensure California is a place where the promise of democracy is realized for everyone.

Voter's Choice Act Outreach Toolkit, voting, California, VCA, vote centers, cavotes

Outreach help on voting changes due to COVID-19 for Local Leagues

Voter's Choice California increasing voter turnout through vote centers

Learn about our collaborative efforts to make voting easy and accessible for all Californians!

Public Statement
voters edge california, media, caelections, cavotes, league of women voters, unbiased, facts

Media outlets and nonprofit organizations can easily integrate ballot measure and candidate cards into any webpage to supplement their coverage of election contests and help voters research their ballots.

Public Statement
Put your ballot in the palm of your hand:

Get the facts before you vote on June 5

voter's edge lawn signs wth dogs

Help get out the vote with our lawn signs

Public Statement
voters edge california, voter guide, voting, elections, league of women voters,

Get the facts before you vote using

Public Statement
voter guide, unbiased, CAElections, League of Women Voters, ballot measures, california elections, voting, propositions, voter's edge, unbiased

Online Guide Provides Unbiased Information That's Easy to Understand for 2016 Election

Public Statement
Voter's Edge California mobile view

View your entire ballot and get the facts before you vote from Voter's Edge

Voter's Choice California website launch

Voting just got easier in California thanks to the Voter's Choice Act!


Voting is a fundamental right, enshrined in the Constitution and buttressed by historic state and federal laws after civil rights battles that continue today. Anyone concerned about voting rights must be heartened by recent court decisions overturning restrictive, discriminatory voting laws in other states. But we shouldn't ignore a threat to voting rights here at home -- a threat that is remedied by a bill currently in the legislature.

Public Statement

No One Should Have to Choose Between Their Health and Their Right to Vote

Unlock Democracy 2

We are calling on you to help build a movement. Together, we won’t just open the locks on our democracy; we will shatter them.

electoral college, voting, elections, presidential, Election2016

What is the Electoral College?


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