November 9, 2021
Right now, the voices of millions of people across California are at risk of being deliberately silenced by those who would pretend to be gatekeepers of our democracy. I know you’ve seen the attempts across the country to keep power under lock and key – from voter ID laws to structured misinformation. Your gift unlocks a free and fair democracy for California.
In recent years these restrictive attempts have been audacious and far too numerous. And let me be clear – these efforts aren’t about protecting our democracy; they’re about keeping power — from you.
- The kind of power we’re facing has locked people in poverty.
- This kind of power has locked people out of education.
- This kind of power has locked people behind bars just for being who they are.
And now, power is trying to lock people out of democracy. Power is trying to prevent people from exercising their right to vote, to lock them out of the ballot box, and to prevent them from having a voice in their future.
This threat is not unique to this generation, but we can be unique in our response. Friend, we are calling on you to help build a movement. Together, we won’t just open the locks on our democracy; we will shatter them.
Your gift opens an entire system. Please give today to keep our democracy open and fair.
- Your gift of $25 helps us unlock community outreach efforts from our local Leagues to keep your neighbors engaged in this fight.
- Your gift of $50 helps us unlock an informed electorate with tools like the Easy Voter Guide – a community-reviewed guide to California’s ballots, produced in five languages to combat misinformation.
- Your gift of $100 helps us unlock community power by working together to give people an easy way to make a plan to vote with Voter’s Edge, an online ballot planning tool available in English and Spanish.
- Your gift of $200 helps us unlock legal protections for our democratic rights.
If you’re committed to unlocking democracy, please share this message with a friend. Every gift matters.