Thank you for attending Convention 2019!


League of women voters of California

The 68th Convention of the League of Women Voters of California (LWVC), was host to 213 voting delegates representing 55 local Leagues, 3 inter-League organizations (ILOs), and the LWVC board. The total number of attendees was 243, including non-voting members, guests, LWVC staff, and volunteers. A quorum was present at all plenary sessions May 31-June 2 in Pasadena, California.

President Helen L. Hutchison welcomed the delegates and guests to Convention 2019. She introduced LWVUS representatives present: President Chris Carson; Chief Executive Officer Virginia Kase; and Fundraising Trainer Amy Hjerstedt. She noted the large number of first-time attendees in the audience and urged more experienced convention goers to assist them as needed.

President Hutchison noted, "We’ll also learn from and be inspired by a variety of speakers. We all will leave with a renewed sense of why we joined the League – and particularly why we continue to commit our time and energy to the League.”

Guest Speakers Welcomed during Convention:

  •     Veronica Carrizales, California Calls
  •     PaKou Her, Tseng Development Group
  •     Chris Hoene, California Budget and Policy Center
  •     Virginia Kase, League of Women Voters of the United States
  •     Zahra Noorbakhsh, Comedian
  •     Manuel Pastor, University of Southern California

LWVC Advocacy: 2019-2021

Delegates adopted the recommended Issues for Education and Advocacy for 2019-2021:

Delegates adopted the recommended new positions by concurrence as detailed in the Convention Workbook:

Not-Recommended Program item approved by the delegates:

  •     LWVC update of the PreK-12 Education position to include charter schools’ accountability.

LWVC Budget for 2019-2021 - delegates adopted the LWVC budget for 2019-2021. The per member payment (PMP) will not increase.

LWVC Bylaws Amendments - Two bylaws amendments were approved by the delegates. Please see the Convention Workbook pages 82-84 for the text of the new Bylaws.

Election of LWVC Officers, Directors, and Nominating Committee

President: Carol Moon Goldberg (LWV Sacramento County)
1st Vice President: Jacquie Canfield (LWV Fresno)
2nd Vice President: Gloria Chun Hoo (LWV San Jose/Santa Clara)
Secretary: Caroline de Llamas (LWV East San Gabriel Valley)
Treasurer: Open

Director: Maxine Anderson (LWV San Francisco)
Director: Amanda Berg (LWV San Diego)
Director: Christina Dragonetti (LWV San Francisco)
Director: Tracey Edwards (LWV Cupertino/Sunnyvale)
Director: Debbie Fagen (LWV Pasadena Area)
Director: Helen L. Hutchison (LWV Oakland)
Director: Aisha Piracha-Zakariya (LWV Palo Alto)
Director: Lori Thiel (LWV San Diego)

Nominating Committee:
Chair: Open
Member: Pat Coulter (LWV Pasadena Area)
Member: Carolina Goodman (LWV Los Angeles).

“Will of the Convention” Resolutions for 2019

The delegates approved two “Will of the Convention” resolutions:

  •     Resolution Motion No. 550: Resolved that the LWVC statewide convention ask our elected representatives in the US Senate, Senator Dianne Feinstein and Senator Kamala Harris, to take all measures within their power to move forward the passage of the provisions of HR 1 in the Senate.
  •     Resolution Motion No. 551: Resolved that we as delegates of California local Leagues assembled at the 2019 LWVC Convention call upon the LWVC Board, Action Committee and local Leagues to advocate for ‘Climate Emergency Declarations’ and urgent relevant action by state, county, and local governments.

Local League Awards

  •     Engaging Underserved Communities - LWV Fremont/Newark/Union City and LWV Santa Barbara
  •     Promoting League Visibility - Mother Lode MAS/MAL Unit
  •     Making Democracy Stronger - LWV Los Angeles

Additional information:

See convention blog and FLICKR photo album.