League Easy Web


What's Next for LEW?

May 2019 Update:

  • Due to the successful launch of our new webplatform, My League Online (MyLO), the LWVC will discontinue LEW service as of June 30, 2020. We are providing our LEW subscribers with more than a year’s notice to make it easier for your to move to MyLO and begin engaging more people in your community. As a reminder, MyLO offers shared content, a shared image gallery, optimized search engine performance, multiple design options along with ongoing user support and hands on customer service.  The annual subscription fee for MyLO is $400/year.
  • What does this mean for your LEW site?
    Your LEW service will continue to be available until June 30th 2020. MyLO subscribers will have to pay a $200 set-up fee.
  • Who will help me transition?

    We have a robust MyLO Team in place to help you transition to the new platform and we are on-call during the day via phone, email, and community list serv. We also have help resources online

    Also, you can pay for content migration to your new site for $200 to have the MyLO Team move 15 pages of content to your new template website on MyLO. With this package, your new MyLO site will have all your current site’s content and you could go live in an instant!

  • Are there online resources to help me?

    YES! We have both written documentation and video help to make your transition to MyLO as easy and smooth as possible. Check out our MyLO essentials for beginners.

  • Can I talk with someone live?

    Yes! Call our office at 916-442-7215 and ask for help on LEW or MyLO and one of our team members can help. Our office hours are 9am to 5pm Monday through Friday PDT.

  • Where can I view MyLO websites?

    Check out over 175 state and local Leagues successfully using MyLO.


February 2017 Update:

Thank you for your ongoing support and patience as we work to build the best possible League Easy Web (LEW) for your League. While there are still some unknowns, we wanted to provide you with an update and assure you that you can continue to rely on our current LEW service. The NEW LEW (My League Online, MyLO) is now avaiable.    

  • LEW is not going anywhere:  Your current LEW system (http://help.lwvnet.org/) will continue to be available on the existing platform through at least 2018 regardless of when NEW LEW comes online.
  • The cost of LEW is changing:  In our July 1, 2016 update, we notified you that the current LEW price ($100 one-time setup fee and $200 annually) is available for new subscribers and renewals due on or before June 30, 2017. As of July 1, 2017, the price for LEW will increase to ($100 one-time set-up fee and $250 annually for all subscribers). The League of Women Voters of California will continue to provide a $50 subsidy for Leagues within California.
  • When will NEW LEW (MyLO) be available?  It is available now! Read more about the new My League Online (MyLO).   
  • What will NEW LEW (MyLO) cost?  Service Subscription is $400/year, California Leagues will continue to receive a $50 subsidy from the California State League, Set-up Fee: $200, Content Migration Package (optional): $200 for 15 pages 
  • I have more questions!  Send us a message at LEW [at] lwvc.org or post your question to the League of Women Voters New Media Group on Facebook and we’ll usually respond within 1-2 business days, if not sooner.  
  • How can I help?  Renew your subscription promptly when due and make certain these email messages are shared with all your League stakeholders. It is important to make sure your LEW contact list is up to date on the LEW management site. Let us know promptly if anything isn’t working for you. 


June 2016 Update:

From May 20 through June 20, 2016 we conducted a massive survey of League members across the country to find out more about what they want from LEW. This LEW Summary (6/30/2016) was informed by more than 500 survey responses. There were many areas where the survey responses were consistently in agreement, and other areas where differences in perspective were quite notable. Where we had consensus we’ve used it, and where we had dissent we are continuing to explore and try to better understand the implications.To understand what a future LEW might look like, you can also take a look at: