voter guides


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Our phones are ringing off the hook with questions about voting materials! Get everything in one place using our online voter guide, Voter's Edge California.

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New and busy voter? Check out our Easy Voter Guide to help you prepare to vote in the March 3, 2020 Primary Election!

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Now more than ever, Americans are hungry for factual, nonpartisan information that is free of propaganda. Because of our reputation for empowering voters with unbiased resources, we are increasingly being called upon to make sure elections are open and accessible to all Californians. Donate today to help us prepare for 2020!

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Learn about our successful collaboration with Voter's Edge California and California Public Radio Stations from Kristen Lepore

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Help us get a GreatNonprofits 2017 Top-Rated Award, write a review of your experience with us! This helps us met our fundraising goals and empower more voters and future voters across California!

How else can you help?

Pros and cons on the ballot measures, voter guides, California, voting, propositions

Get ready to vote on 12 statewide ballot measures November 3! English & Spanish!

Public Statement
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