August 15, 2011
As the Citizens Redistricting Commission formally adopts its final
redistricting maps today, the League of Women Voters of California congratulates
both the commissioners and the state of California on a job well done. “The
voters put their trust in a new redistricting process when they passed
Proposition 11 in November 2008, and the commission has more than fulfilled that
trust,” stated LWVC President Jennifer A. Waggoner. “This citizen-driven process
will be a model for the entire nation.” View her video statement
"District lines are no longer drawn by legislators behind closed doors, where
politicians choose their voters and feel free to ignore the needs of
communities" added Waggoner. Instead, this diverse, independent commission
followed fair, prioritized criteria that emphasized the interests of the people
who are served by their elected officials. Giving priority to equal population
and the federal Voting Rights Act, commissioners took on the difficult task of
balancing multiple, and sometimes competing, interests as they considered the
needs of cities, counties, and communities across the state.
From the very beginning, with the work of the State Auditor’s office in
selecting the commission, through these last months when the commission and
staff have worked almost around the clock to complete the mapping, this has been
a process unequalled for its transparency and public accessibility.
“Californians by the thousands have watched the commission in action and
submitted their ideas. In turn, commission members took care to consider input
from everyone—from individuals to organizations representing thousands of
people,” Waggoner noted.
Through the entire process, the commission treated each other and the public
with mutual respect and civility, setting a tone of reasoned discourse and
deliberation, even as disparate views were expressed. “The League celebrates
this magnificent example of open, transparent government. Strong participation
by the public helped lead to the success of this process,” continued
“All Californians should take this opportunity to learn about the new
districts we will be using for the 2012 elections,” Waggoner said. View her
video statement
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The League of Women Voters of California is a nonpartisan political
organization for women and men that encourages informed and active participation
in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues,
and influences public policy through education and advocacy.
League of Women Voters Commends the Citizens Redistricting Commission for upholding the Voters Trust