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As voter suppression laws are struck down throughout the country, California moves to clarify who can vote with a criminal conviction in the state
Good News! It's time to order your Easy Voter Guides for the November 8 election!
The 16-page Easy Voter Guide offers unbiased, easy-to-read ballot measure and election information for the November 8 Presidential Election for new and busy voters. All 17 statewide ballot measures will be covered! Guides are available to order now to distribute in your community before the election.
Vote with the League! Here is our list of recommendations on the ballot measures for the November 8, 2016 Presidential Election. Share our flyer with your friends and family.
VOTE YES on 51 - School Bonds: K-12 and Community College
Voting is a fundamental right, enshrined in the Constitution and buttressed by historic state and federal laws after civil rights battles that continue today. Anyone concerned about voting rights must be heartened by recent court decisions overturning restrictive, discriminatory voting laws in other states. But we shouldn't ignore a threat to voting rights here at home -- a threat that is remedied by a bill currently in the legislature.
When discussing why we need to maintain the current income tax rates on the wealthiest, it’s important to talk about what is at stake.
The only statewide ballot measure Californians are considering on the June 7 primary is Proposition 50, which will allow the state Legislature to suspend a member without pay – an important response when lawmakers are accused but not yet found guilty of violating the law and breaching the public trust.
Please take a moment to sign up for National Voter Registration Day 2016 now: If you sign up now, you'll be mailed a packet of posters, stickers, and a toolkit explaining how you can participate.
When: Tuesday, September 27th, 2016
Today is Election Day! Get out and vote! View your ballot and find your polling place using Voter's Edge California.
1. Polls are open 7am until 8pm. If you are in line before 8 you get to vote!
2. Bring your notes and your kids into the polling place
3. Make a mistake on your ballot - ask for a new one!