Communications Training


Our goal is to give local Leagues the knowledge, tools, priorities and shared language so that they communicate more effectively online.

The trainings were created by Nonprofit Marketing Guide's fantastic Kivi Leroux Miller for League Easy Web (LEW). The training is free. You don't have to be a member. You don't have to register. Just click on the links below! We encourage you to share this training, too.

How Do I Take The 3-Part Training?

Download the slides and resources, so that you have them handy. Then watch the video. We recommend watching them in order. We also recommend watching them with a friend, so that you can discuss them while they happen. Don't be afraid to pause the video to take notes or talk about different ideas!

1 - Nonprofit Marketing 101 (recorded 10/22)

 Learn the fundamentals of nonprofit marketing, including the three core questions that should drive all of your communications decisions. We’ll also discuss how to place your website at the center of your communications strategy and how best to integrate it with your email, social media, PR, flyers, and other communications.

2 - Communications Roles & Planning (recorded 11/16)

What goes out when and where, and who is responsible? How can we communicate as efficiently and as effectively as possible? We’ll help you answer these questions by talking about some essential communications practices, including using an editorial calendar, curating content (using materials created by others) and repurposing content (recycling your own materials).

3 - Writing for the Web (recorded 12/2)

People don’t read online the same way that they read paper in their hands. Learn the essential differences and how to write for your website, email, and social media so that your writing gets read, and not ignored! We’ll explore techniques such as chunking your text, writing great headlines, and making your action items clearly stand out.
Recommended free tools mentioned in the third training are:

Who Should Take This Training?

The training is for beginners, experts, and everyone in-between. You should offer these trainings to ALL your members. These trainings are not intended to be just for the webmaster or for just the communications chair. The concepts discussed and tools demonstrated should be understood by your League's leadership if you're going to be effective in today's online world.

We strongly encourage your League to host viewing parties (just like having a movie night!). Your board or communications committee or interested members get together, watch it together, and discuss the ideas presented.