NO on Prop 6: Gas Tax Repeal


California is in critical need of highway and local street repairs and maintenance, and improvements to mass transit and transportation. Prop 6 would repeal the recently-enacted 2017 package of taxes and fees approved by the State Legislature to fund transportation projects, amounting to a loss of $4.7 billion in annual funding. The measure would also add a constitutional amendment requiring any fuel or diesel taxes to be approved by voters, limiting the legislature’s ability to address California’s serious infrastructure needs. Passage of this repeal measure would have significant negative impacts and leave our state structures vulnerable, especially during natural disasters.

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We believe California’s budget should invest in services and infrastructure for the future. We oppose arbitrary across-the-board budget cuts and believe that all options, including revenue increases, must be on the table in budget negotiations. The Governor and the Legislature have an obligation to protect California's people and our future.

Local governments – cities, special districts and counties – are the entities closest to the people. They all have locally-elected governing boards and provide most of the direct services to citizens. In 1910, the Separation of Sources Act gave specific authority to local governments and the state to collect taxes,set rates and obligations. Today, they have very little control over their financial resources.
Read more about the relationship between state and local finances.