March 3, 2020 Presidential Primary Election


Election date: 
March 3, 2020
Your Vote Matters, voting, elections, California, gotv, cavotes, caelections

The Presidential Primary Election will be held in California on March 3, 2020. You will be voting on one state wide ballot measures, Propositon 13 as well as many candidates and local measures. View your by entering your address using our online voter guide, Voter's Edge.

Ballot Recommendations


All children in California deserve school facilities in good repair and equipped to provide students with a 21st century education, vote YES on Prop 13!

Where can I find non-partisan election information?

You can enter your address at and get your entire ballot and polling place.

Candidate Information

There may also be other county, judicial, and local officers as are provided by law.

Note: The League never supports or opposes candidates or political parties.