

The Issue


The Transportation sector is the largest source of emissions in California, totaling 41% of all emissions (the next largest is Industrial, at 23%). Transportation’s portion of emissions has also been increasing as a percentage of the pie (from 37% in 2015, to 39% in 2016), at least partly because electricity generation has decreased. Although we saw a decreasein transportation emissions from 2007, we are again on the increase, largely from gasoline emissions used in passenger vehicles.

Figure and data from 2019 Edition, California Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventory: 2000 – 2017.


What We Can Do

Regulations and improved fuel efficiency of the vehicle fleet drive down emissions over time, but population growth, lower fuel prices, improved economic conditions, and higher overall employment are factors that may increase fuel use.  Actions to improve conditions include support for:

  • Policies for more dense housing near public transportation centers
  • Pro-public transportation and self-powered transportation legislation
  • Policy that improves fuel efficiency standards and encourages electric vehicles

Who’s Working on It

LWV-Los Angeles is working in collaboration with other organizations to educate and evaluate solutions.  LWV-Marin County is collaborating with the Transportation Authority of Marin and local governments. LWV-Diablo Valley and LWV-San Francisco are both growing their actions on transportation.

What the Transportation Team is Doing

  • Understand current state and local efforts
  • Build the team to represent major CA regions
  • Provide resources and educational opportunities to Local Leagues
  • Partner with like-minded organizations (Transform, 350)
  • Monitoring relevant legislation