

Press Mention
California Capitol, Photo: Justin Sullivan, Getty Images, Prop 54, transparency, League fo women voters of california, watch dogs

The voters have spoken. The watchdogs are watching. Legislators have been duly warned that they flout the law at their peril.

Public Statement
We want our 72 hours to review Assembly Bills image, Prop 54, transparecy, League of OWMen Votesr of cAlifornia, Helen HUtchison

Warn that dozens of bills that passed out of Assembly without 72-hour notice risk invalidation

Public Statement
Prop 54, tranparency, California Legislature, League of Women Voters, compliance

Our group warns failure to fully implement voter-approved measure could invalidate important legislation, restrict public and press recordings of proceedings

Public Statement
No on AB 84

Senate should stop AB 84 before it allows legislative leaders to raise and direct unlimited amounts of special interest money

Public Statement
Cal Channel

20 orgs and 250 Californians signed petition criticizing the California Cable and Telecommunications Association's decision to eliminate Cal Channel.

proposition 54, vote yes on Prop 54, vpters first, transparency, League of women voters of Californai endorsement

With 17 propositions on California’s general election ballot this year, voters are faced with many decisions, and some can be confusing. There is one ballot measure, however, that’s an easy “yes” vote. Proposition 54 will increase transparency in government, help ensure more thoughtful policy and allow all Californians to review, debate and contribute to the laws we live under.

SB 126, charter schools

SB 126 Authored by Senator Connie Leyva, requires charter school governing boards to comply with the same laws that traditional schools follow.

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