

Vote with the League flyer, ballot measure recommendations, League of Women Voters, voting, endorsements, elections, propositions

We can help you decide how to vote on the November ballot measures. After comprehensive analysis, we offer these trusted recommendations.

Vote with the League | Our recommendations on the state ballot measures | Vote November 8, 2022

You can make a difference! Be sure to vote in the November 8, 2022 General Election! Read more to find out our voting recommendations for the statewide propositions on your ballot.

Easy Voter Guide, California, elections, voting, cavotes, ballot measures, hoe to vote, elections, caelections, Prop 13, March 3 primary

New and busy voter? Check out our Easy Voter Guide to help you prepare to vote in the March 3, 2020 Primary Election!

Easy Voter Guide, League of Women Voters of California Education Fund

View our beloved Easy Voter Guides online now! Available in English, Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Korean!

Order your own copies for all of your voter education and outreach activities.

Public Statement
Ballot Measure Videos, california channel, propositions, elections, cavotes, voting

NEW! Short videos on the 11 ballot measure to help you vote with confidence on November 6.

Pros and cons on the ballot measures, propositions, cavotes, caelections, voting, League of Women Voters of California Education Fund

Get unbiased, well-researched info on the ballot measures so you can vote with confidence on June 5.

Public Statement
Vote with the League on the June 2018 ballot measures, ballot recommendations, elections, propositions

The LWVC board took final positions on the measures scheduled for the June ballot. Print and share our The League Recommends flyer. Here’s a quick summary of the League position on each measure:

Pros and cons on the ballot measures, voter guides, California, voting, propositions

Get ready to vote on 12 statewide ballot measures November 3! English & Spanish!

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