grassroots advocacy


advocacy, yes on Proposition 13, voting, elections, nonpartisan, League of Women Voters, California

Vote with the League! Here is our list of recommendations on the ballot measures for the November 8, 2016 Presidential Election. Share our flyer with your friends and family.

VOTE YES on 51 - School Bonds: K-12 and Community College

Public Statement
free the vote press conference, Aminah Elster, voting rights, elections, aca 6

The Free the Vote campaign follows similar successful measures in Nevada and Colorado

Public Statement
Be a hero! Make your gift today.

We need your help. For months, we’ve witnessed growing anti-government rhetoric in the media and in our public discourse.  Accusations of “rigged elections” and “inherent corruption in our political process” have become commonplace. For many, memes have replaced journalism and threats and insults have replaced political debate.   

Yes on Prop 55 Image of facts

When discussing why we need to maintain the current income tax rates on the wealthiest, it’s important to talk about what is at stake.

Legislation Committee League of Women Voters of California

Our Legislation Committee is hard at work advocating on key issues in California

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