January 24, 2013
Our Letter to the Editor:
The League of Women Voters of California, a long-time advocate of citizen involvement in the political process, is concerned about recent assaults on the California Environmental Quality Act.
CEQA is one of the few state laws ensuring that the public can weigh in on major land use decisions. It helps assure that both decision-makers and the public have adequate information to make informed decisions and that significant environmental impacts are avoided.
A major enforcement aspect of the law would be lost if provisions for citizens to go to court are weakened.
The public's effort to enforce the law when public agencies fail to follow it is not a trivial undertaking and can require significant financial resources. Often, those concerned about environmental impacts of poor land use decisions have limited means. Current efforts to undermine citizen participation in these decisions will not serve the public well.
-- Jennifer A. Waggoner, Sacramento
Don't undermine citizen participation in land-use decisions
Sent to
The Sacramento Bee
In response to
"Should California make changes to landmark 1970 law?" (Forum, Jan. 13) by Michael Rubio and Thomas Adams
Join the Conversation: Should California lawmakers make major changes to CEQA? If so, how? And to what end? Add your comment below. To write a letter, go to sacbee.com/sendletter. Or comment on our Facebook page at facebook.com/sacramentobee.