League of Women Voters of California Urges Lawmakers to Take Action to Fix Fiscal Cliff


November 28, 2012

Warning Cliff Edge

The League of Women Voters of California adds its voice to the message you recently received from LWVUS President Elisabeth MacNamara urging your action to set a new direction for federal fiscal policy.

It's time to provide a long term solution to our financial crisis by:

  • Raising taxes on the top two percent by repealing the Bush tax cuts for high-income tax payers and ending the special treatment for capital gains and dividends
  • Reducing the deficit over the long term but protecting our fragile economy against steep deficit cutbacks
  • Protecting the social safety net, including Medicad, Social Security and medicare
  • Reducing military spending

We urge you to take advantage of this historic opportunity to restore a fair and progressive tax system, provide for social needs, and move the country forward with careful managment of the deficit and the economy.

Read more about the fiscal cliff.


League Urges Lawmakers to Provide Long Term Solutions to Finanical Crisis

Sent to

All Members of the California Congressional Delegation

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