Letter to an Elected Official - AB 591 Support (Wieckowski as amended July 7)


August 24, 2011

Dear Senator Kehoe:

The League of Women Voters of California (LWVC) is pleased to support AB 591 (Wieckowski), as amended July 7. This is a community right-to-know bill that would require operators of oil and natural gas wells to provide information on hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”) to the Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources, for publication on the division’s Web site where it is available to the public as well as to DOGGR and other agencies.

The public has the right to know the potentially harmful effects of hazardous materials they encounter in the home, workplace and community. The League supports a strong bill so that as much information as possible is disclosed about the chemicals used in fracking, the amount of water used, and the amount of water and fracking fluid discharged and its disposal.

The LWVC joins other state Leagues of Women Voters and the League of Women Voters of the United States in their concern about this national issue that threatens the environment and public health, including the potential depletion or pollution of water supplies. We will continue to advocate for transparency and environmental protection, and we urge your committee’s support for this bill.

Jennifer A. Waggoner

cc: Assembly Member Bob Wieckowski


AB 591 Support (Wieckowski as amended July 7)

In response to

Letter to Senator Kehoe, Chair of the Committee on Appropriations about a community right-to-know bill that would require operators of oil and natural gas wells to provide information on hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”) to the Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources, for publication on the division’s Web site where it is available to the public as well as to DOGGR and other agencies. (August 24, 2011)Dear Senator Kehoe:
The League of Women Voters of California (LWVC) is pleased to support AB 591
(Wieckowski), as amended July 7. This is a community right-to-know bill that would
require operators of oil and natural gas wells to provide information on hydraulic
fracturing (“fracking”) to the Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources, for
publication on the division’s Web site where it is available to the public as well as to
DOGGR and other agencies.
The public has the right to know the potentially harmful effects of hazardous materials
they encounter in the home, workplace and community. The League supports a strong bill
so that as much information as possible is disclosed about the chemicals used in fracking,
the amount of water used, and the amount of water and fracking fluid discharged and its
The LWVC joins other state Leagues of Women Voters and the League of Women
Voters of the United States in their concern about this national issue that threatens the
environment and public health, including the potential depletion or pollution of water
supplies. We will continue to advocate for transparency and environmental protection,
and we urge your committee’s support for this bill.
Jennifer A. Waggoner
cc: Assembly Member Bob Wieckowski

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