April 22, 2011
Sacramento, CA – Over 200 delegates representing the League of Women Voters will gather in Ventura for their Biennial Convention - “Grow the Future”. It will take place May 12-15 at the Crowne Plaza Ventura Beach. Hundreds of members throughout the state will celebrate the 100th anniversary of California women securing the right to vote; elect officers and the Board of Directors; approve the budget and bylaw changes and participate in educational workshops and adopt the League’s biennial program and budget. Unless otherwise noted, the following highlights are scheduled to take place in the San Miquel Hall, Crown Plaza, 450 East Harbor, Ventura:
Highlights and speakers include:
- The 2012 Project Workshop, Speaker: Susan Rose, former Santa Barbara County Supervisor - Thursday, May 12 from 3-5 pm in the Santa Cruz Room. Register online.
- Hon. Bill Fulton, Mayor of Ventura - Friday, May 13 at 10 am
- Katcho Acadjian, 33rd District Assemblyman will discuss “Civility In Politics” – Saturday, May 14 at 12 noon at the Top of the Harbor
- Assembly Speaker Pro Tem Fiona Ma – Saturday, May 14 at 2:30 pm
- The After Glow Gathering, “100 Year Anniversary Celebration” - Saturday, May 14 from 9:30pm -11 pm in the Bay View Room. Register online.
- LWVUS President Elisabeth MacNamara – Saturday, May 14 at 7 pm, Top of the Harbor
- Beverly Merrill Kelley, Ph.D, Professor of Communication California Lutheran University, speaking about the 100 year anniversary of California women securing the right to vote, Friday, May 13 at 12 noon, Top of the Harbor
- Election of new League president, officers and directors including current LWVC/EF Board Communications Director and San Francisco resident, Jennifer Waggoner, nominated to be the next president of the League of Women Voters of California on Sunday, May 15 at 2 pm
“Convention 2011 is filled with exciting speakers and celebrations honoring women securing the right to vote 100 years ago” said President Janis R. Hirohama. “The League will conduct its business and discuss the tough issues facing California, including the need for government reform” she added. Recently, the League of Women Voters of California has been active on redistricting, campaign finance reform and state and local budget issues. Read more about the League and how we advocate and educate voters.
Convention is the time when League members, both voting delegates and members, take advantage of training opportunities at workshops, participate in caucuses, network with peers from Humboldt County to the Imperial Valley, and listen and learn from knowledgeable speakers. It is a time for members to come together to determine the future of League. Read more about the Convention workshops and speakers on the League Convention blog or register online.
The League of Women Voters, a nonpartisan political organization, encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. Membership in the League is open to men and women of all ages. With more than 90 years of experience and 850 local and state affiliates, the League is one of America’s most trusted grassroots organizations. Read more about the League of Women Voters of California.
Reporters interested in covering one or more of these speakers or events should contact LWVC Communications Manager, Elizabeth Leslie at 916-842-7737 or eleslie [at] lwvc.org for press credentials or to schedule an interview. Photos are also available upon request.
Assembly Speaker Pro Tem Fiona Ma and LWVUS President Elisabeth MacNamara to Address League of Women Voters of California Convention in Ventura