Letter to an Elected Official - Proposal for Two Workgroups


November 24, 2009

Dear Secretaty Thomas, Superintendent O'Connell and Chairperson Munso:

The Child Care Law Center looks forward to working closely with the California State Advisory Council on Early Childhood Education and Care (Council). Enclosed is a letter signed by numerous California organizations calling on you to form two work groups, one focused on expanding access to under-served populations and the other on cultural/linguistic inclusion, both of which are topics that fall within the charge of the Council.

We believe tlus is an important opportunity to build on the strengtlls of our current system and develop proposals to increase access to high quality programs for all California's children witll a focus on children and families in greatest need of quality care. Please feel free to contact me at nstrohl [at] childcarelaw.org 415-394-7144 to discuss these recommendations or other aspects of the Council's work.

On behalf of all ti,e signers, I thank you for your consideration of our proposals.


Nancy Strohl
Executive Director


Proposal for Two Workgroups

In response to

Letter to the California State Advisory Council on Early Childhood Education and Care that the Council form workgroups on cultural/linguistic inclusion and expanding access to under-served populations (November 24, 2009)

Additional materials: 
PDF icon 2009-11-24education.pdf437.29 KB