February 14, 2017
Ready to roll up your sleeves and do the education and organizing work to safeguard democracy? Or maybe looking for a way to stay up to date on the issues and take the occasional online action? Either way we welcome you! Membership is open to men and women, citizens and non-citizens of all ages.
Join the League, and you become a member at the local, state and national level. We’ll get your membership dues and information to the local Level right away so you can get engages where and how you choose.
As a league member you:
- have a community to rely on
- can influence lawmakers
- foster dialogue on issues you care about;
- Defend civil rights and human rights
- ensure ALL votes are counted and ALL voices are heard
- Preserve our Constitution
As a member you add to our grassroots strength, making us better able to educate and advocate on the issues that matter most. Join today and let’s make democracy work!
- See more at: https://lwvc.org/about#sthash.NcWKDdLV.dpuf