June 18, 2014
Voter's Edge, an online national resource for voter information, announces the upcoming release of its comprehensive database of nonpartisan information on candidates and ballot measures in the 2014 election. The Voter's Edge API will give developers the ability to build web applications with customized election data on their own media platforms. The Voter's Edge API will be made freely available by MapLight in July 2014.
Voter's Edge API will include the following data on federal candidates and ballot measures:
Candidate Data
Shows a candidate's total money raised; top contributors; endorsements; news coverage; editorials; campaign advertisements; videos of key policy speeches; political and professional background; and more.
Ballot Measure Data
Shows a ballot measure's total money raised and top 10 lists of contributors by campaigns for and against the measure; the geographic origin of contributions; what a "YES" or a "NO" vote would mean; the projected financial impact of the measure; campaign arguments by proponents and opponents; key endorsements for and against the measure; news; and editorials.
Voter's Edge API for California will include similar data on local and statewide candidates and ballot measures for more than 50 California cities, with additional data provided by the League of Women Voters of California Education Fund's Smart Voter.
Note: For some races data will be dependent on availability.
Voter's Edge was designed to bring voting guides into the 21st century by increasing voter access to valuable civic information and making it available all in one place. The online voter guide allows users to evaluate and compare nonpartisan information on candidates and ballot measures so they can make voting decisions with a full understanding of what their votes mean, more quickly and easily than ever before.
If you're interested in being notified when the API is released, please sign up here.
What is an API? An application-programming interface (API) is a set of programming instructions and standards for accessing a Web-based software application or Web tool.Programming knowledge is required to use an API.
No programming knowledge? MapLight is launching a series of embeddable widgets that do not require programming. The current widgets are available at Voter's Edge Widgets with more widgets to come. Widgets are as easy to embed as loading a YouTube video. Please contact MapLight if you need technical assistance.
Invitation to Research Study
MapLight is conducting research about user preferences for voter information. We are looking for media outlets interested in embedding the Voter's Edge widget on their website and participating in a few quick and simple feedback phone calls. A small stipend is available for participants. If interested, please contact dorothee [at] maplight.org (Dorothee Royal-Hedinger) and include the URL of your website.
Supporters of Voter's Edge
Voter's Edge is made possible, in part, by the Kaphan Foundation, The James Irvine Foundation, the Hewlett Foundation, Rita Allen Foundation, The Pick One Fund, as well as the generous support of individual League of Women Voters of California Education Fund's Smart Voter donors for Voter's Edge in CA.
About the League of Women Voters
The League of Women Voters of California Education Fund conducts our voter service and civic education activities. It is a 501(c)(3) corporation, a nonpartisan non-profit educational organization, which:
- Builds participation in the democratic process.
- Studies key community issues at all government levels in an unbiased manner.
- Enables people to seek positive solutions to public policy issues through education and conflict management.
About MapLight
Voter's Edge is a project of MapLight, a 501(c)(3) nonpartisan research organization that tracks money's influence on politics.
Media Contacts
Pamela Behrsin, MapLight, Voter's Edge API and Widgets
c: 415-299-0898 | e: pamela [at] maplight.org | t: @imonlyabill
Elizabeth Leslie, League of Women Voters of California Education Fund
c: 916-842-7737 | e: eleslie [at] lwvc.org | t: @cavotes
MapLight Releases Huge Database of '14 Election Information for Developers via API
Cooperating Organizations
MapLight Voter's Edge