Crank up the Volume!


Too often special interests and big money are the loudest voices in California.Please donate today 

Please donate today and give voice to Californians who are too often unheard.  Let’s keep Sacramento focused on good government and  

  • Ensure every Californian has easy access to register and vote!
  • Expose the corrosive influence of money in California politics.
  • Raise our voices on issues from education to the environment.

Your gift helps Californians speak up! Let’s make sure policy makers hear and heed them!

Please give today—and help us crank up the volume! 


Photo of President Helen L. Hutchison

Helen Hutchison signature

Helen L. Hutchison
President, LWVCEF

P.S.  Your tax-deductible gift also gives California voters the tools they need to vote with confidence and make their voices heard on Election Day!