April 6, 2015
To help implement the voter guide recommendations from the Best Practices Manual for Official Voter Information Guides, a series of four webinars were presented on April 27 and May 1, 2015.
YouTube links to each of the webinars is below or you can view all of the webinars through a LWVCEF YouTube playlist.
"What are the Best Practices for Developing and Reviewing Voter Guides?"
Monday, April 27
Learn how voters get information and how to implement the best practices for voter guides to raise voter confidence and increase participation. This is the first of four webinars based on the recommendations in the Best Practices Manual for Official Voter Information Guides. We will present an overview of the project, including an introduction of the main themes in the manual: layout and visual presentation, civic literacy, and plain language.
Download the presentation.
To view the webinar: http://bit.ly/1bYaTMO
"How to Use Layout and Visual Presentation in Voter Guides"
Monday, April 27
This is the second of four webinars based on the recommendations in the Best Practices Manual for Official Voter Information Guides. We will provide the types of layout, visual images, and typography that should be used that raise voter confidence and increase participation.
Download the presentation.
To view the webinar: http://bit.ly/1KabuWP
"How to Use Voter Guides to Close the Civic Literacy Gap"
Friday, May 1
This is the third of four webinars based on the recommendations in the Best Practices Manual for Official Voter Information Guides. We will provide tools to personalize voter information and help close the civic literacy gap. We will also discuss how to use structure and content to raise voter confidence to increase participation.
Download the presentation.
To view the webinar: http://bit.ly/1FwB7hu
"How to Use Plain Language in Voter Guides"
Friday, May 1
This is the last of four webinars based on the recommendations in the Best Practices Manual for Official Voter Information Guides. We will provide an overview of plain language and show you how to present the right information at the right level of detail. We will show you how to organize information an in easy to follow path to raise voter confidence and increase participation.
Download the presentation.
To view the webinar: http://bit.ly/1KabZQP
Attachment | Size |
Webinar1-Overview-2015-0427_0.pdf | 1.51 MB |
Webinar2-Visual-Presentation-2015-0427_0.pdf | 1.75 MB |
Webinar3-Civic Literacy-2015-0423_0.pdf | 1.08 MB |
Webinar4-Plain Language-2015-0423_0.pdf | 1.35 MB |